My first suggestions for upping cards.....
GG: With the 6 General ups Momentum to Overdrive is the logical choice. After that I don't think upping anything else will make much of a difference for how that deck performs. I don't think we need to spend any cards here to up anything.
jmdt: He can up 3 Chargers as the Lieutenant and I'd recommend spending the 2 cards to up the final charger and all the graboids. The only other cards that might be worth upping are the Pillars/Pends but I will let jmdt test this upped and unupped to see if the difference is worth the extra cards.
TStar: Upping Discord could help the damage but it isn't vital to the deck. Upping the Amethyst Pillars/Entropy Pendulums should help to get Discord played sooner but again is probably not vital. We might consider grabbing 3 Flying Weapons and upping them to replace the Gravity Pulls in this deck as it may make it faster and up the punch of the deck, especially if we opt to up the Discords.
Malebolgia: Spend the 3 cards to up all the chargers and graboids. After that it'll will depend on how the testing by jmdt and Malebolgia go to see if upping the pillars/pends is worthwhile.
TNG: Spending 2 cards to up the Flying Weapons will let us switch the mark to

and theoretically should increase the speed of the deck overall. I don't think upping Titans or Catapults won't do much, although the Pillars might make a difference if we want to spend the cards on them.
einherjar: This is still not a great deck choice and I'm not sure yet what ups you'd need to make it work better. Considering you are starting with a 6-0 hole in ups against Higurashi unless we can get a clear advantage from upgrades I'd consider using none at all to minimize the damage if we lose.
KDZ: Upping the Gravity Shields should let us play them sooner but I don't see it as vitally important. However, upping the dragons I think would be huge. You an extra 1

playing cost we would would the amount of HP they have and since there is a big catapult damage metric here that could be a huge edge. By my match unupped slinging a dragon does 12.5 damage (not sure how it rounds) but an upped dragon would do 21.4 damage. The biggest benefit here is that we would be able to kill players just by slinging upped dragons whereas unupped we'd need to do at least a little damage first or rely on them freezing up to get to the 100HP mark.
TII: Obviously upping the chargers is vital. After that we can choose between the Fractals and the Pillars/Pends to up. The fast we generate quanta the quicker we can get a field of chargers out there, so upping a handful of pillars/pends might be worth it if we feel we'll need the extra speed.