Element breakdownThought it would help if we made a list of effect-specific counters per element.
Strategy - Counter(s)
Immortals/Quintessence - Shield
Lightning - Bigger creatures, Quintessence
PU - Quintessence, CC
Phase Shield - Momentum, PC, Bolts
Lobotomizer - Quintessence, no removable skills
Mindgate - PC, pendulum heavy
Quint Fireeaters, Titanbow
OE - Quintessence, PC, CC, large creatures
Shockwave - Quintessence, large creatures
Wings - Momentum, PC, flying creatures
Unstable Gas - PC, reflective shield,
Flying Weapon - RT, CC, Lobotomize
Titanbow, Cat Titan
Steal - Enchant Artifact, limited permanent use
Devourer - Sanctuary, CC (holy light could be preferred if they don't use lycans), lower QI
Vampire effect - Antimatter, Lobotomize
Drain Life - Reflective shield, Discord, denial, Quintessence
Nightmare - Sanctuary
Nightfall - PC, Gravity Shield (dragons)
Liquid Shadow - Quintessence, no skills, big/powerful creatures
Voodoo Doll - RT,
No Devtal For You, Antimatter Stall
Plague - Quintessence
Bonewall - Mitosis, Fractal, Momentum, Adrenaline
Skull Shield - Momentum, large creatures, PC
Graveyard - CC (plenty), PC
Poison/Venom - Purify, CC, PC, Lobotomize
Earthquake - Pillarless, Enchant Artifact
Pulverizer - Limited permanent use, Enchant Artifact
Titanium Shield - Momentum, attack buffs, PC
Gaurd - Quintessence, CC
Shrieker Rush - Lots of CC
CC - Quintessence, CC (nymph, elf)
Dissipation Shield - PC, Momentum, lots of damage
Discord - Sanctuary, low QI, rainbow dip
CC - Quintessence, big creatures
PC - Limited permanent use, Enchant Artifact
Firebolts - Reflective shield, denial
Low HP/ high attack creatures - Decent CC, damage shield, Paradox, Antimatter
Fahrenheit - PC, denial
Fire Shield - PC, Momentum, big creatures
I guess this is where we list our own weaknesses... *shrugs* Why not?
Momentum - Lobotomize
Gravity Shield - PC, small creatures
Gravity Pull - Quintessence
Black Hole - Monos and Duos, Sanctuary
Acceleration - Lobotomize
Catapult - PC, Quintessence
Mitosis - CC, Lobotomize
Thorn Carapace - Momentum, PC
Adrenaline - Infection, damage shield
Scorpion - Lobotomize, Shield, CC
Emerald Shield - No bolts, Momentum, more attack
Sanctuary - PC
Miracle - Earthquake
Hope - Momentum, mass CC
Crusader - CC, Enchanted weapons, no weapons, Lobotomize
Luciferine - Lobotomize, CC
Morning Star - Freeze + Shockwave, damage shield
RT - Quintessence, cheap creature rush, PC (Eternity)
Neurotoxin - Purify
Hasten - PC
Pharaoh - Lobotomize, lots of CC (Scarab gen.), Gravity Shield, Quintessence
Ghost of the Past - Sanctuary (Nightmare), CC
Anubis - Strong CC, damage shield
Purify - No poisons
Trident - PC, Enchant Artifact
Freeze - Quintessence, CC (squid)
Ice Shield - Momentum, PC
Toadfish - Quintessence, CC
Nymph Tears - CC, non-water-pillar control
Ice Bolt - Reflective shield,