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Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg75167#msg75167
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:11:44 pm »
This post will contain the cards in our vault.

Rules of the vault:
- 360 cards
- max 18 per card of your element (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars)
- at least 50% of cards from your element
- max 6 per card of other elements (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars)
- No Shards



Total number of cards: 360


9 x Aether Pillar
0 x Spark
6 x Lighting
0 x Parallel Universe
0 x Immortal
6 x Dimensional Shield
0 x Lobotomizer
0 x Phase Dragon
0 x Phase Spider
0 x Quintessence
0 x Fractal
0 x Turquoise Nymph
21 cards


0 x Wind Pillar
0 x Dragonfly
0 x Wyrm
0 x Azure Dragon
3 x Fog Shield
0 x Thunderstorm
6 x Flying Weapon
0 x Firefly Queen
0 x Firefly
0 x Owl's Eye
0 x Unstable Gas
3 x Shockwave
0 x Blue Nymph
12 cards


0 x Obsidian Pillar
0 x Black Dragon
0 x Devourer
0 x Parasite
0 x Dusk Mantle
0 x Steal
0 x Nightfall
0 x Vampire Stiletto
0 x Drain Life
0 x Minor Vampire
0 x Liquid Shadow
0 x Gargoyle
0 x Black Nymph
0 cards


9 x Bone Pillar
0 x Bone Dragon
0 x Virus
0 x Flesh Spider
0 x Vulture
0 x Skull Shield
0 x Skeleton
3 x Boneyard
2 x Poison
0 x Plague
0 x Arsenic
3 x Bone Wall
0 x Aflatoxin
0 x Mummy
0 x Grey Nymph
17 cards


9 x Stone Pillar
0 x Antlion
0 x Hematite Golem
0 x Stone Dragon
0 x Titanium Shield
6 x Plate Armor
0 x Gnome Rider
4 x Pulverizer
0 x Graboid
0 x Shrieker
0 x Enchant Artifact
6 x Earthquake
0 x Stone Skin
6 x Basilisk Blood
0 x Auburn Nymph
31 cards


0 x Amethyst Pillar
0 x Maxwell's Demon
0 x Abomination
0 x Purple Dragon
0 x Dissipation Shield
0 x Lycanthrope
2 x Chaos Seed
6 x Nova
0 x Mutation
5 x Discord
0 x Fallen Elf
0 x Antimatter
0 x Butterfly Effect
0 x Purple Nymph
13 cards


9 x Burning Pillar
0 x Ash Eater
0 x Crimson Dragon
0 x Fire Spirit
6 x Fire Bolt
0 x Fire Shield
6 x Deflagration
0 x Fahrenheit
0 x Rain of Fire
6 x Immolation
0 x Lava Golem
6 x Rage Potion
4 x Phoenix
0 x Red Nymph
37 cards


61 x Gravity Pillar
18 x Sapphire Charger
6 x Armagio
12 x Graviton Mercenary
0 x Colossal Dragon
3 x Gravity Shield
12 x Momentum
18 x Otyugh
12 x Titan
18 x Gravity Pull
18 x Graviton Fire Eater
12 x Black Hole
0 x Amber Nymph
190 cards


0 x Emerald Pillar
0 x Emerald Dragon
0 x Horned Frog
0 x Rustler
0 x Cockatrice
0 x Forest Spirit
0 x Heal
0 x Thorn Carapace
0 x Emerald Shield
0 x Druidic Staff
0 x Empathic Bond
0 x Adrenaline
0 x Green Nymph
0 cards


6 x Light Pillar
6 x Photon
0 x Golden Dragon
0 x Pegasus
6 x Holy Light
0 x Solar Shield
0 x Guardian Angel
3 x Blessing
4 x Reflective Shield
0 x Morning Star
0 x Miracle
0 x Luciferin
0 x Hope
0 x White Nymph
25 cards


0 x Time Factory
0 x Deja Vu
0 x Fate Egg
0 x Procastination
2 x Reverse Time
0 x Golden Hourglass
0 x Devonian Dragon
0 x Anubis
0 x Eternity
0 x Sundial
0 x Scarab
0 x Precognition
0 x Pharaoh
0 x Golden Nymph
2 cards


0 x Sapphire Pillar
0 x Chrysoara
0 x Blue Crawler
6 x Freeze
0 x Ice Bolt
0 x Ice Shield
6 x Purify
0 x Arctic Squid
0 x Trident
0 x Ice Dragon
0 x Toadfish
0 x Mind Flayer
0 x Nymph's Tears
0 x Flooding
0 x Nymph Queen
12 cards


0 x Quantum Pillar
0 x Dagger
0 x Short Sword
0 x Hammer
0 cards

Please post discussions on what to include in this topic.
While we need to have an understanding of what decks we want to use and what decks/cards we need to counter the possibilities of the other elements in depth discussions should be left to the separate elemental topics that I will create.


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg75213#msg75213
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 02:54:46 pm »
Since we need to use decks with more than half of the cards from Gravity, we should look to have a Vault with more than half from Gravity. This includes Pillars so we can't just take 18 of every other Gravity card.

I would say 2 cards we definitely need to take 18 of are Sapphire Charger and Otyugh. Sapphire Charger is Gravity's best attacker and Otyugh plays a large part too.

I also really like Black Hole and think we should take 18 of that. It would come in handy because I doubt many of our opponents will go mono on us.
Similarly I really like Gravity Pull especially in this unupgraded format because it costs 2 quanta unlike almost all the other one creature killing spells which cost 3 {Lightning only costs 2 as well} (instead of all costing 1 in the upgraded format). So I think we should take 18 of Gravity Pull.

All the other cards are situational or we don't need many. Probably having 12 Titans would be more than enough and I think 6 Gravity Shield should be more than enough as well.
Out of the rest Graviton Fire Eater is the best card. I don't know how many to take but it would depend on what decks we think up.

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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg76070#msg76070
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 06:41:43 pm »
I'm not THAT sure we should take 18 blackholes. After all,  most of their decks will be either duo/mono, and i dont think 18 black holes is required.


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg78796#msg78796
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 04:06:20 pm »
I think the black holes could work. It would provide great protection against decks with 3+ elements and if they decks have less, we can always pair it up with discords. Might I also suggest fire eaters and grav guards for cheap damage. Also, we can't forget the unstoppables :3 Those are life savers.

How would you guys feel with fractal charger? I think we should put in a few fractals, aether towers, and dim shields there.

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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg78840#msg78840
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2010, 05:26:07 pm »
As for as black hole, we should add several discord and amethyst towers to get the most use from them.  Maybe a few Maxwell's or some other entropy card to use up the extra entropy quanta since we can't easily fly them.  We could also also go for the synergy with pulveriver and use earth card such as earthquake along with black hole.

Since we will use fire eaters, deflagration and fire bolt are great additions maybe even a fire shield or two, as momentum for the fire eaters


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg78854#msg78854
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2010, 05:39:22 pm »
Obviously, we should hold lots of our 'key' cards, namely otyughs and chargers.  Most gravity based offense centers around that.  As for other elements, we should especially consider the synergies.  Fire is a natural synergy, and Death works as well as Gravity has supreme creature control. 


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg79448#msg79448
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2010, 11:53:28 am »
I have made a preliminary list.

Perhaps there are too many Novas but I like them because they provide the ability to use a variety of effective cheap cards. Perhaps Novas are just bad and too random of a strategy.

I also would like more Gravity cards but I also don't want to limit our options.... I should add some Momentum. Perhaps some Discord....

Note that we do have a little bit more time to make our ideas and preferably we should test some out.

I do think I should look at it more from a mono-gravity point of view firstly and then try to add cards from other elements if the other elements can easily deal with mono-gravity one way or another. We need to concentrate on flexible cards that can work in a variety of situations to get the maximum use out of our Vault. I think the optimal Vault would be consisting of cards that can counter as best as possible anything the other elements can dish out + some other Gravity cards.

As an example, the deck Smokefree has shown is basically the best deck against Aether. Perhaps some tweaks may be necessary like more Gravity Pull and less Shockwave because I don't think we need 3. Also Maybe 1 more shield. This deck could also work against Air and Light.

I just saw that it is now max 6 of a card from another element....


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg80064#msg80064
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 02:22:18 am »
I don't think novas would be such a great idea. Grav's already got cheap critter control and we could always pack a pulv if the other team is perm heavy. I think the best way to go with entropy is discord as it's cheap and has great synergy with grav. In Earth, we could throw in a few PA's, armors, and titanium shields for good measure. Maybe a few EQ's too.


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg80975#msg80975
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2010, 11:54:22 am »
I've made a more final list for the vault. I've tried to incorporate a number of different strategies so we can get something more across the board.


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg81573#msg81573
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2010, 02:32:42 am »
I should like to see a couple vultures to work the grav/death synergy of killing things and getting bonuses.  I'd also like to see some Rain of Fires for any grav/fire deck that people use.  AOE is not to be sneezed at.

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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg82438#msg82438
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2010, 01:35:23 am »
Looking at the list, we could use: about 3-4 fractals, 3 vultures and maybe 2 plague instead of 2 poison, remove the 6 nova and add several amethyst pillar and maybe another few chaos seed, remove 6 immolation and add 2 fire shield and 4 RoF, not sure how the phoenix will work either, add 2 miracle and remove the 2 reverse time.


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Re: Gravity Vault https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6980.msg90068#msg90068
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2010, 06:35:53 am »


Total number of cards: 360


9 x Aether Pillar
0 x Spark
6 x Lighting
0 x Parallel Universe
0 x Immortal
6 x Dimensional Shield
0 x Lobotomizer
0 x Phase Dragon
0 x Phase Spider
0 x Quintessence
0 x Fractal
0 x Turquoise Nymph
21 cards


0 x Wind Pillar
0 x Dragonfly
0 x Wyrm
0 x Azure Dragon
3 x Fog Shield
0 x Thunderstorm
6 x Flying Weapon
0 x Firefly Queen
0 x Firefly
0 x Owl's Eye
0 x Unstable Gas
3 x Shockwave
0 x Blue Nymph
12 cards


0 x Obsidian Pillar
0 x Black Dragon
0 x Devourer
0 x Parasite
0 x Dusk Mantle
0 x Steal
0 x Nightfall
0 x Vampire Stiletto
0 x Drain Life
0 x Minor Vampire
0 x Liquid Shadow
0 x Gargoyle
0 x Black Nymph
0 cards


9 x Bone Pillar
0 x Bone Dragon
0 x Virus
0 x Flesh Spider
0 x Vulture
0 x Skull Shield
0 x Skeleton
3 x Boneyard
2 x Poison
0 x Plague
0 x Arsenic
3 x Bone Wall
0 x Aflatoxin
0 x Mummy
0 x Grey Nymph
17 cards


4 x Stone Pillar
0 x Antlion
0 x Hematite Golem
0 x Stone Dragon
0 x Titanium Shield
3 x Plate Armor
0 x Gnome Rider
3 x Pulverizer
0 x Graboid
0 x Shrieker
0 x Enchant Artifact
3 x Earthquake
0 x Stone Skin
6 x Basilisk Blood
0 x Auburn Nymph
31 cards


0 x Amethyst Pillar
0 x Maxwell's Demon
0 x Abomination
0 x Purple Dragon
0 x Dissipation Shield
0 x Lycanthrope
2 x Chaos Seed
6 x Nova
0 x Mutation
5 x Discord
0 x Fallen Elf
0 x Antimatter
0 x Butterfly Effect
0 x Purple Nymph
13 cards


9 x Burning Pillar
0 x Ash Eater
0 x Crimson Dragon
0 x Fire Spirit
6 x Fire Bolt
0 x Fire Shield
6 x Deflagration
0 x Fahrenheit
0 x Rain of Fire
6 x Immolation
0 x Lava Golem
6 x Rage Potion
4 x Phoenix
0 x Red Nymph
37 cards


40 x Gravity Pillar
7 x Sapphire Charger
6 x Armagio
12 x Graviton Mercenary
0 x Colossal Dragon
2 x Gravity Shield
12 x Momentum
15 x Otyugh
11 x Titan
18 x Gravity Pull
18 x Graviton Fire Eater
8 x Black Hole
0 x Amber Nymph
190 cards


0 x Emerald Pillar
0 x Emerald Dragon
0 x Horned Frog
0 x Rustler
0 x Cockatrice
0 x Forest Spirit
0 x Heal
0 x Thorn Carapace
0 x Emerald Shield
0 x Druidic Staff
0 x Empathic Bond
0 x Adrenaline
0 x Green Nymph
0 cards


6 x Light Pillar
6 x Photon
0 x Golden Dragon
0 x Pegasus
6 x Holy Light
0 x Solar Shield
0 x Guardian Angel
3 x Blessing
4 x Reflective Shield
0 x Morning Star
0 x Miracle
0 x Luciferin
0 x Hope
0 x White Nymph
25 cards


0 x Time Factory
0 x Deja Vu
0 x Fate Egg
0 x Procastination
2 x Reverse Time
0 x Golden Hourglass
0 x Devonian Dragon
0 x Anubis
0 x Eternity
0 x Sundial
0 x Scarab
0 x Precognition
0 x Pharaoh
0 x Golden Nymph
2 cards


0 x Sapphire Pillar
0 x Chrysoara
0 x Blue Crawler
4 x Freeze
0 x Ice Bolt
0 x Ice Shield
3 x Purify
0 x Arctic Squid
0 x Trident
0 x Ice Dragon
0 x Toadfish
0 x Mind Flayer
0 x Nymph's Tears
0 x Flooding
0 x Nymph Queen
12 cards


0 x Quantum Pillar
0 x Dagger
0 x Short Sword
0 x Hammer
0 cards

