This is the end of
Thank you to...
Jumbalumba, for being an awesome Lieutenant owning his matches,
Napalm, for helping out the most in deckbuilding and guiding the team with the 'SECRET operative',
Memorystick, for also helping a lot with deckbuilding and being proactive,
cebra, for always being ready to do his substitute duty (although he never did
Phantomfox, for always representing Gravity well and being a good supporter,
smiley56, for also being active in the secret section helping out with deckbuilding (that he was supposed to do as deckbuilder but i took over
Indrejue, for being the best rookie ever,
and lastly to 918, who, before betraying the team after doing something absurdly stupid, for fully supporting the team.
I have faced a perfect counter, struggled, and failed.
However, we will be back.
I wish you all best of luck in the Trials if you're participating, and hopefully see you again in the next war as allies or enemies.
- GirlsGeneration, Master of Gravity -