Remaining decks (Total cards 127):
Almost certainly (38 cards):
BWrage+poison(21 cards)
mono (Seraph,rp,deflag)(17 cards)
Very likely (not played last round, but last match was a win):
Fractix(They still have that?!)(15 cards)
They probably kept the mono part of their stall last game (bolts and fahrenheit, some bucklers total of 11 cards kept)
64 cards, 63 cards remaining.
Salvage last round: typical dark splash (vagger,steal,nm)
Pdials with BW(not sure whether this really allows Jonnington to reappear, I think a second BW stall more likely)
Combined with their potential to salvage SoV round 5 (unlikely because SoD and Miracles in that deck), a reappearance of SoV stall is thinkable, now that they get the chance at dials.
Leaving 50 cards (2decks!) almost completely unpredictable to me.