That sounds like too many chargers/mercenaries, but we will need a lot of them. Keep in mind that they are pretty weak unupped, though. I doubt we're going to use many unupped ones in our decks.
We'll want a full (or very near it) complement of certain off-element staples, like dimshield, fractal, lightning, shockwave, wings, nova, graboid, earthquake, pulverizer, explosion, steal, etc.
A couple marks of gravity instead of pillars might help when expecting earthquakes. (especially vs team earth or water with trident, but anyone might have it)
Gravity shield is a total hoser with the right prediction.
Reflective shields (psiontal, UG spam) will be important in certain matchups; we'll definitely need a few of those.
Colossal dragons make some ridiculously CC-resistant creatures. Not the greatest hitters, but when expecting, say, owl's eye or lightning or something as enemy CC, we'd just laugh.
I love my stalls, so I'd say a full complement of sancs and miracles. Probably sundials, too, since they can be run upped.