Why do I keep doing these?
Anyway I will do a scale of 1-10 *'s. 1 * for little to no synergy and 10 * for lots of versetility
- Not much versetility, I guess Fractaled Chargers/Mercanarys/Armargios? **
- Not much versetility either, Adredaline + Mecanarys and Black Hole + Heal? ***
- Healed Armargios, Blessed Otyughs, Black Hole + Holy Flash for epic Healing. ******
- Eh...Sky Blitz + Collasal Dragons x Air Creatures? *
- Black Hole + Discord. So its OK. ****
- Plate Armor + Otyugh/Armargio, Stone Skin x Black Hole, Auburn Nymph/Balisk Blood x Armargio, Catapult. Lots of Versetility. *********
- Ice Bolt to lower Creatures Health and Otyugh to Nom them, Ice Shield/Freeze + Gravity for some creature control. ****
- Armargio + Rage Potion, Fire Bolt + Otyugh, Gravaton Fire Eater. ******
- Steal Permanents/Devourer for Quanta Control, Parasite Poison + Otyugh for creature control, Black Hole + Drain/Siphon Life for health. *******
- Otyugh + Vulture + Poison + Armargio + Bone Wall and Graveyard/Bone Yard for Otyugh to Nom On. ******
- Pharoh + Scarbs Nom Nom Nom, Armargio for stall, otyugh/scarabs to eat. *****
Gotta Love Gravitys Synergy...