I don't belive that You count this earlier
All looks fantastic, but You still forget about BlackHole. You still forget that big HP = damage from Catapult. For me it is hardly to compare SoF with Pulvy, because You can have only 1 Pulvy, SoF 6 and it isn't easy to count this as You do. You can have SoF + Titan. With Pulvy You can't have more... Difficult topic, but maybe someone with better English will talk here about it 
Maybe easier compare will be with SoF (PC)+Titan (8/50 + Momentum) and EarthShard(??)+Pulvy(half PC because of duo + 5/12). If Earth Shard give creature like Titan +QuickSand for Earth and it will be cost around Your offer for SoF then I say that it is balanced (but still too powerful
I made a rough guess at balance earlier. It was luck that it matched the long calculation.
Your concerns in order:
1) I ignored the card generated because I have already addressed that Black Hole should be balanced. None of the rest of the card would need to change if Black Hole were changed to Armagio or Gravity Pull.
2) The max hp my nerf suggestion could attain would be 13 (normally it would only be 10). It would deal 12(10) damage at a cost of


and the loss of 1 use of PC. I see that benefit to be equal or less than the opportunity cost.
3) You think it is hard to compare Pulvy to Shard of Focus. I have build a theory based on cost comparisons that makes such a comparison easy.
4) You can only have 1 weapon in the weapon slot. If you notice my math there was a cost named "weapon". This variable was calculated in a comparison using Titan, Vampire Dagger, Lobotomizer, Chargers, Vampires and Mind Flayers. The result was that Weapons and Shield appear to have a -3 elemental quanta cost reduction to account for the cost of occupying the special slot. This was my 2nd Design Theory project and has not been refuted.
For reference:

Pulverizer costs 4

+ duo + weapon + expensive ability cost + 1 card ~= 10q
Pulverizer has 5 attack and the Shatter ability.
I theorize a mono version of Pulverizer would have casting/activation costs of

+ expensive ability cost + 1 card/

I theorize that a creature version of Pulverizer would have casting/activation costs of

+ expensive ability cost + 1 card/

I theorize that a 0 attack version would have casting/activation costs of

+ expensive ability cost + 1 card [=5q]/

I theorize that an Other version would have casting/activation costs of

+ expensive ability cost + 1 card [=5q]/4.5

I theorize a 1 use version would cost 1/3 as much and thus have casting/activation costs of

+ 1 card [=1.67q]/1.5

I theorize a 2 use version would cost twice as much as a 1 use version and thus have casting/activation costs of

+ 1 card [=3.33q]/3

Hence my nerf suggestion of a 2 use shatter on a 0 attack other creature was priced at 5

casting cost and 3

activation cost unupped.