The entire phrase, "Damage caused by the Sapphire Charger can not be reduced," is grammatically correct. However, it doesn't
need to be there (and probably shouldn't be there), because that's really not how Momentum functions and is merely an explanation that distracts from Momentum's true effect. "Shields are ignored" is the real effect of Momentum, as illustrated by the wording of the card, Momentum.

If Momentum is supposed to be resilient to any kind of damage
reduction, then Steam Machine with Momentum status would be immune to the 'steam' cooldown of its active skill. This, obviously, is not how Momentum is meant to function.
Here are two potential fixes for the wording on Charger:
- Eliminate the phrase, "Damage cause by... can not be reduced." This makes the card easy to read.
- Move the text around a little bit, resulting in the following:

This option would make the damage reduction resistance innate to Charger. What this means is that any spells or effects that would decrease attack power would not work on Sapphire Charger, completely independent of Momentum status.
I guess a wording change could be considered a buff/nerf, but Flash Fire, discussions about grammar should be in the discussion topic of the card itself.