Graviton's Conquest
The favorite strategy board game in the Realm of Gravity
A tremendously popular game, specially among the soldiers of the Realm of Gravity, Graviton's Conquest is a strategy game that truly embodies the philosophy of Gravity's army, favouring directing your opponent into a unfavourable position over a more direct approach.
It is said that the game was inspired by the legendary battle between Graviton and Akebono for the control of the Realm of Gravity, where the 2 generals are said to have each kept trying to outmanouver the other for nearly a week before the stalemate was broken and Graviton emerged victorious.
Welcome to the game, fellow elementals. The rules are simple:
The game is played in an 8x8 square board and some of the players pieces start in the middle of the board

A turn consists of 3 parts:
Momentum: Pick one of your pieces and move it 2 squares either horizontally or vertically, while obligatory going through an opponent piece and finishing in a free square.

moves to
Recruitment: Place a new piece anywhere in the board, except for where the piece that used momentum was on the beggining of your turn
Gravity Pull: Place a new opponent piece anywhere in the board
On top of that, as a handicap, the first player doesn't have a recruitment phase on its first turn (because of this the player that goes first always has one piece less in the board).
You win when your opponent can't make a move
SIGNUPS: Anyone who knows how to use the forum BBCode can sign up for a match. To start a game just post your first movement if you want to go first or the starting board if you want to go second or post a movement replying to someone who already started a game. After that the participants of that game are defined and the players alternate posting their turns.
To make things clearer, separate the momentum phase from the other 2 phases in your post (or separate the 3 phases if you want, like in the example game in the spoiler), try to pick elements/smileys that are not being used by other players for your pieces and choose a background that makes the pieces stand out (a

background with

pieces is a bad choice for example). If possible, please don't edit your moves after you posted them.
Have fun and let the games begin!