Nay, more HP is (or should be) an innate feature of

. Just like how

gets better overall stats for vanillas.

is the element of versatility, so it is kind of okay for its vanillas to be under-performing a bit as it lacks brute force.
Elements is a game that never powercreeps, petitioning for nerfs is kinda like a civil right in the forums and it is most likely the only source Zanz gets feedback. New cards and old cards alike are often nerfed in light of the situation of the metagame.
And no, Damselfly is not a creeped Ray of Light. While 1 more attack gives people a macho impression, remember the fact that RoLs are fractalled more often. There is a card (=hope) that works with RoL spam, but there is no counterpart in

, hence the additional attack. And, if you argue about brimstone eater, nay,

has immolation to take advantage of zero-cost cards already. A zero-cost creature that generates

when idled (i.e. not immolated but sitting on the field), let alone attacking for 2 damage a turn? That's too much.
Damselfly has less things that works with it and hence better base stats; Blue Crawler is weaker because of innate elemental affinity, as well as the advantage in SoP (as of 1.31 or before i.e. now).