"no cool new cards allowed..."
actually, the rule is, no OP cards allowed... besides, if you want fun, why not create your own decks... in my spare time, I tend to think up new strategies, new decks, and so on, even without a computer, and it always keeps me entertained for about half an hour...
also, with the amount of decks made by the community, if you got the cards, go try them, it's fun too...
join some PvP events, they can be fun, as well as rewarding...
I suppose that you are too new to possess much electrum... no?
well, go look in the newbies guides... there you can find how to get rich...
[/off topic]
Why do you think this card was so powerful before the nerf? I believe coinich has a point. What are you doing while your opponent stall the game and use this to grow his creatures? Nothing? Ahhh, you are using a pure rush deck, like frogs, cockatrices... so you would possibly lose to any stall deck.
Talking about stall, Steam Machine is from Water, the element with the most powerful stall arsenal. It gains +4 attack / turn, without lose HP, so even with a gigantic attack, you will still have problems to kill it, because it has 15, oh, yeah, 15 HP. Fire quanta, yeah. 2 types of quanta, but in just 1 card. Just put a fire quanta card (Tower, Cremation...) instead of the Overdrive card, or even better, put a SoR instead. Doesnt it worries you? Oh, I bet Steam Machine is crushing the PVP metagame.
Is Overdrive powerful with Armaggio? Well, most cards are supposed to be powerful in some situations, and the ones that arent... are just not played, right? Now, OP? Are you sure its OP compared to Lava Destroyer and Cremation, for example?
In fact, Im not happy with the nerf. This is because I love Gravity, and when the element is going to get a good card (that it deserves and NEED, because its a slow element, and it has just catapult as a card that fits the high HP theme, and its not a powerful card) there is someone to just tell its OP, without any proof, and now Gravity is going to get a weak to medium, that does nothing alone and even requiring a high HP creature to be played on, is worse than a single Water card.
Suggestion 1: just let it be +4/-2, for 2 quanta like the original version and IF there is an evidence this is soooooo OP (I doubt it), we could discuss again a nerf.
Suggestion 2: at last lets make a poll about the nerf, like done about Mitosis.
I, myself, prefer suggestion 1.