OK guys, here is the number 1 deck. As I said it hit rank 1 in 3 days after 30something wins and 2 loses. At one point, the win/loss ratio was 25-1 but someone decided to annoy me. It is now rank 3 with 48-5 and some random rainbows are number 1 and 2. Congrats to the 5 people tho beat this deck for possibly winning some shards

Deck Level: 55
Oracle Card: Enchant Artifact
30 upgraded cards
1x mark
2x draw
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4sa 4sa 52o 592 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rk 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 77i 77i 77i 77i 7tc 8pt
The ? cards are 6 upped SoSac and SoV.
There is no PC, no denial and no CC except SL which isn't supposed to be used as CC but AI likes to waste on random creature. The excess amount of PA's and creatureless nature of this deck makes it pretty much immune to opponent CC and PC too.
Basically a 35 card version of Zen by SnoWeb with a extra poison and less SoD. I originally had a titan instead of a longsword and some steals and a cloak and other random damage cards like shockwave and thunderbolt, but realized all these unecessary frills don't help at all. So took away everything except the towers and shards and added 1 poison, 1 longsword and 1 SL and added quantum pillars to improve draws. Who needs those when Zen simplicity is enough?
The most glaring weakness of this deck is OTK, especially during the latter days when the hp penalty hurts a lot. I tested this aginst instosis 3 times and easily won all three games, since the AI did not have time to draw enough SoD to hit 279hp to resist instosis + have enough hp to chain SoSaC. I see other people complaining about rainbows with 2+ purify, bone wall and eternity as a weakness, but that pales in comparison with the OTK one. That probably can't be helped unless its day 1 with 200hp and 12 SoD lol.