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53e 53e 53e 58o 59m 59m 5fu 5fu 5fu 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6uq 6uq 6uq 6uq 778 778 778 778 786 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ee 7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 7nq 7nq 816 816 8pu
L57 1 day old
1x mark, double draw
Had a four day old Chrysaora + Congeal + Flooding deck up, figured it was about time to switch. Put this Stone Pillar deck up over night. I've wanted to put up a deck like this for awhile, give people good chances of getting a shard if they win. Unfortunately I only have 1 unupped SoR and no SoVs. SoSe isn't very good with pure SoI but I don't have any other upped shards
Hassle: AI plays SoI with an empty hand
Anyways, 2-4 right now, but the two were upvotes (EDIT: 5-4 now, finally got a downvote)
Next is Devourer, I'll see how much better Ghostmare does once this gets knocked out if I haven't thought of something funner. The post above with Pestal seems neat, I was silly and disregarded Fractal after seeing Eternal Pheonix fractal RoL instead of his Minor Pheonix