yay! Let's splash BH into every single arena deck along with SoFo! I can just see the thumbs up rolling in!
As the base guideline for a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down is "originality" of the Arena deck faced, I honestly cannot remember the last day I gave a Thumbs Up. After playing the Arena a while, I just seriously do NOT see any deck I haven't seen before - or when I do I beat that "original" deck and don't get to give a Thumbs Up. Trying to build an Arena deck to submit that will win AND garner Thumbs Up votes is quite noble and a neat challenge, but is such a difficult task that most often wins are the only way to get any real
from an Arena submission.
Having said all that, I think GreeN321's "advice" in the OP is valid. Boring? Sure, but valid nonetheless.
I've seen almost every deck type too, but I reward the ones that are more original, take risks, try to deviate from the crowd. I don't disqualify a deck just because I've seen the archtype before. Hell sometimes I reward decks for not giving in to temptation (Ex: Thumbs upping a death deck for not SoSa spamming). Then again, I almost exclusively play Platinum arena (And yes I do get a good share of wins, enough to be profitable), it might be better over there than in Gold arena.
Also re: that noble goal, would it hurt your perception of that goal being impossible to say that I have a rank 10 (peak rank 5) deck 4 days old in plat, that got 9/10 thumbs up before making it into top 10 and thus unable to count further? I feel like it is difficult, but not so much difficult that you shouldn't shoot for it.