Hello everyone,
One of my arena decks today reached the very top of the Golden League, and I've decided to share it.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4sa 4ve 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vo 52t 55v 55v 55v 590 5c1 5og 5og 5rk 5rk 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 719 74f 77g 7ah 7dm 7dm 7dm 7mu 8pj
Quantum Pillar
180 HP
20 Upgraded Cards
2x Mark
Double Draw

2 losses gained are from the first few hours before a final optimisation was submitted.
ADD: Deck reached 58/4. As it's day 7, it will go down soon.
Yeah, that's not the first deck that uses Discord+BH, I know.
But I'd like to share some things that I learned:
4x Black Holes are enough (in a 35-36 card double draw deck). It's less than enough to completely drain an opponent but good enough to disrupt a deck and keep AI's health high. Also having only 4 acts as a slight delay to give an opponent time to gather quanta. Usually AI casts it once per 2-3 turns.
3x Discord cause you'd like it sooner than later with those mono rushes. Though it clutters AI's hand sometimes.
2x Fog Shields and 2x SoGs are all the defence that AI needs with Discord+BH. Add some CC. Profit.
Creatures - you need them. Ok, AI controls your opponent's quanta. Now what AI's going to beat him with?
Graboids and Forest Spirits are both good. Basically any rush type damage dealer would do. If I have room for two Forest Spirits, I also add Butterfly Effect (hello to CCYB users

1x Plague and 2x CC spell. Which one exactly? It depends.
2x Explosions usually completes it, and the rest depends on the Oracle card.
That's the basic part I'm experimenting with in my Arena decks lately. Most of them reached top 80, some reached top 25.
So, a few days ago I've got a Quantum Pillar 8) and I made a few additions to the basic deck.
A bit more creatures, +1 Explosion...
For permanent control besides 3x Explosions there is a Butterfly Effect (two actually because of the doubled deck). Creatures for it are Forest Spirits, Anitmattered creatures (if opponent casts it), and Scarabs. What Scarabs? Remember that Mummy?
For Creature Control - 1x Plague, 2x Reverse Time, and those Scarabs.
BH+Reverse Time+Mummy(Pharaoh)+Scarabs+Butterfly Effect combo. Yeah, I know it's a bit weird. Also both need

Black Holes mostly affect the opening phase. Devouring Scarabs are closer to the endgame. Having only one Mummy and only two RTs acts as a delay.
Another way of looking at it - if AI didn't need it, it can cast it on Mummy immediately.
Also you'd want to use a non-upgraded Mummy to get Scarabs with 2 attack for that Butterfly Effect.
I hope that would help someone else in this wonderful world of deckbuilding!