Dates Active: August 16 to 23, 2014
Win Loss Ratio: 34-8
Top Rank: 24
Days Active: 7 days (just turned 8 when I withdrew it)
Deck Points: 2x Dexterity, 20 upped cards, whatever points were left over went into Stamina.
Electrum Earned: Over 324 for sure, maybe in the 360 to 380 range
Picture in spoiler:
One day, I was grinding through the Platinum arena, and came across a deck that had a similar picture on the entrance screen; a Ghost of the Past card with the mark of time. So I figured it was going to be some kind of total time deck, with perhaps shards and nymphs, or something. But low and behold, when it started playing, it pulled out some dark pendulums, and I soon discovered it was some type of reverse ghostmare deck. Well, this should be a win for me, I figured, as I know how to beat that, let alone some kind of backwards version... Six turns later I was forced into a suicide discard and lost.
So then, instead of immediately exiting and going back to grinding. I stayed on the "You Lost The Game" screen, and studied how this thing had gotten me so good. I then left the arena, and attempted to reconstruct it in my deck management screen, and saved a copy of the code with some notes. Then, when the Oracle presented me with a Ghost of the Past card, I knew what I was going to do with that!

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7qe 7qe 7qe 5ru 5ru 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5t2 5v1 5v1 5v1 5v1 5v1 7n2 7q0 7q3 7q8 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t9 7t9 7t9 7t9 7t9 7um 7um 7um 7um 8ps
It should have had more upped dark pendulums, but I didn't have more at the time, so I tried to compensate with sole time ones. The ghosts themselves, are the reason for the big time quanta demands.
The steals and the lone animate weapon are my additions / modifications to it. The steals are obvious, but the potential steal + immediate fly the weapon against the player, should prove to be a little surprise. These additions will certainly make anyone leery of equipping another one soon, and maybe alter their playing strategy so that the deck can do what it does best: Jam your draw hand, suck your life, and rewind any creature you have out to further delay you.
I played near one hundred games (all told) against this deck, and it performed strongly. As can be seen in the win to loss ratio, and also where it was ranked in the picture link I posted above.
This was my most successful deck in the Gold arena yet, and I would have left it in a full 8 days, but the Oracle gave me a card that I was all excited about and, wanted to see what I could immediately do with...
Edit: Fixed picture correctly.