So... I got my second Torquise Nymph 4 days ago and I though I could just as well just make a random Aether deck to get maybe a hundred electrum or two. After 2 days it had about 30 wins and 0 losses. Now it has 40 wins and 2 losses, and currently holds the first place in Gold League...
Trying to be a nice guy, I'll post the setup for the deck here

Level upgrades (in the order I picked them):
Double card draw
Full upgraded cards limit
Double mark power
The rest to boost HPs
The deck i posted:
5 Aether Nymph (upped, ofc)
1 Quintessence
2 Psion
1 SoW
8 Aether Tower (upped)
2 Thunderbolt (upped)
1 Electrocutor (upped)
2 Phase Recluse (upped)
2 Silence (upped)
2 Psion (upped)
2 SoW (upped)
7 Aether Pendulum (upped)
Go ahead and use it yourself, if you have 5 Aether Nymphs