I like Sir Valimont's suggestions. Although... how would you like something like this? Basically, I tried to mix pet system and quest system, while trying to mantain as much balance and choice as possible, with no clear "winner".
Basics:You can choose one pet. It is not element-dependant (yet). You can choose, for instance, between different aesthetics - a Bird, a Reptile, a Mammal...
Your pet gains elemental affinities. It starts with 0 in every element, and increases as shown below.
Your pet also gains experience. This increases the maximum affinity you can have, as shown below.
Experience:The pet gains a fixed amount of experience whenever you defeat an opponent: AI0 - 1, AI1 - 5, AI2 - 10, AI3 - 15, AI5 - 50, AI6 - 60 (this is an attempt to turn AI5 into "pet farming" AI). The following table shows level, experience, and maximum affinity for each level.
Level | Experience | Max affinity |
1 | 0 | 10 |
2 | 500 | 20 |
3 | 1500 | 30 |
4 | 3000 | 40 |
5 | 5000 | 50 |
6 | 10000 | 60 |
7 | 25000 | 70 |
8 | 50000 | 80 |
9 | 75000 | 90 |
10 | 100000 | 100 |
11 | 200000 | 110 |
12 | 500000 | 120 |
Affinity:Affinity is based upon your actions toward a certain Element. It's difficult to increase, and it cannot be easily decreased. It leaves a sign on your Pet, making it look more like the element you are following - if you have high

affinity it may be cracking with lightnings, while a high

affinity may result in your Pet bursting into flames.
Affinity is not limited to a single Element. You have a different affinity score for each element, and that determines the abilities of your Pet.
Affinity |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
10 | Unlock Aether Quests | Unlock Air Quests | Unlock Darkness Quests | Unlock Death Quests | Unlock Earth Quests | Unlock Entropy Quests | Unlock Fire Quests | Unlock Gravity Quests | Unlock Life Quests | Unlock Light Quests | Unlock Time Quests | Unlock Water Quests |
20 | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* |
40 | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* |
60 | Unlock Greater Aether Quests | Unlock Greater Air Quests | Unlock Greater Darkness Quests | Unlock Greater Death Quests | Unlock Greater Earth Quests | Unlock Greater Entropy Quests | Unlock Greater Fire Quests | Unlock Greater Gravity Quests | Unlock Greater Life Quests | Unlock Greater Light Quests | Unlock Greater Time Quests | Unlock Greater Water Quests |
90 | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* | *Insert ability here* |
120 | Unlock Master Aether Quests | Unlock Master Air Quests | Unlock Master Darkness Quests | Unlock Master Death Quests | Unlock Master Earth Quests | Unlock Master Entropy Quests | Unlock Master Fire Quests | Unlock Master Gravity Quests | Unlock Master Life Quests | Unlock Master Light Quests | Unlock Master Time Quests | Unlock Master Water Quests |
(Ideally, level 20 and 40 abilities are small effects that may or may not be related to combat, while level 90 abilities are great benefits, such as double mark of that element or something)
Quests, Greater Quests and Master Quests are challanges that are related to the element, can be obtained once per day and bestow great rewards to those who complete them. For instance, a Fire Quest could require you to beat a certain opponent using a mono-fire deck, a Greater Quest could require you to beat a False God using a certain Fire card, and a Master Quest could require you to beat 9 False Gods in a row with an at-least 50% Fire deck. Rewards are a good amount of score/money.
In order to increase affinity to a certain element, you need to:
- beat a False God with a deck at least 50% of that element
- EM a Level 5 with a deck at least 50% of that element
- Beat at least 45 Level 3 opponents with a mono deck within an hour
In order to decrease affinity to a certain element, you need to complete special "atoning" quests (to define later).