now that we can gather that much data about a deck, we should look at how to read the information and how we test.
Time overall (min.):
its the sumation of the time facing all ai3's in a serie.
not included spinns and starting new games.
that means its the time from clicking the lvl3 button untill the spinn screen shows up.
not included spinns and starting new games.
that means its the time from clicking the lvl3 button untill the spinn screen shows up.
this can varie with alot of conditions like: hardware, inet-connection, clicking speed, alcohol level, etc.
i dont play/click anymore if i know i win the game in this or the next turn.
playing priorities:
win the game < play in less turns as possible < play as fast as possible < em
every game has to be played untill the bitter end (even if you see a win isnt likely)
conditions around the game:
im testing in low-quality mode, muted
i mostly have some other programs on (chat but inactiv, sound/video). this may slow down my testing (but i need that entertainment^^)
i was thinking about to mix up some testings results:
means calculate the average results from different testers
->hrmm is testing 50 games->jmdt is testing 50 games... = average datas from different testing conditions = a better determination of a decks speed?
what do you think about this method?