I guess a similar spreadsheet of false gods would also be helpful to new FG killers.
With columns like 'mark', 'pillars', 'creatures', 'creature control', 'permanent control', 'spells' and so on, so you can easily check if a FG has any permanent control if you do not remember, or what strategy to expect
I've seen a few wiki pages and forum pages describing false gods in that manner, but not a 'one row per FG spreadsheet'.
I could make one if no one else volunteers
Partially done:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anv0Ugh_970gdExJcnpONUYxV0xuUTZCX25nd3VaeUE&hl=enAlthough based on wiki, and some information seems outdated or inconsistent.