Yeah, upped flying and upped


on the field in a big way, flying titans with acceleration would do some serious damage against most others,


would be the only things that hold against it.
I didn't see the rule with the mark, graboids and quake could do some real damage.
Here is what I see true mono. Perm Control and Creature Control will rule the day, it's the counter to most shields, most powerful effects, most cards, good control here causes everything else to drop off.

outside of a creature rush has a lot of card's that go with other elements, the full power of water is not realized in mono form. The nymph's tears and it's nymph itself is also unable to realize its full power.
The result is water because creature control/creature rush deck... no perm control

although has quake, in an upped game, against a player it only serves to provide delay and hope to beat it with it's own rush. It's weapon loses it's effectiveness in a big way, and cheap creature control will make earth stop in it's tracks...

all have atleast one form of very effective super cheap CC, again no perm control outside of pillar control. We also don't have catapult to murake use of high defense synergies and it's nymph is relegated just creature control

would be a standard frog rush deck most likely... So creature rush/healing... it's nymph could be the source of acceleration, or just the card too, the weapon is mainly a tad bit more healing. It's only creature control is it's shield. Again that same set of elements will make this die on impact.

has CC but it's a bit delayed, outside of that, like

a lot of it's cards rely on other elements... again never seeing the true power of air it's nymph like water is also no good here.
So I see those in the bottom third.

would be bigger creatures like the dragons and with it's nymph becomes a modified hope deck pretty quickly... relying on it's shield and sanctuaries/miracle to stay alive... it can hold out, but good creature control / a good shield / perm control would beat it still... only out of use of miracle does it have a chance.

I would guess and standard gravity rush deck, with devours and/or blackholes added in depending on efficency, not certain what would be tightest. It can do a lot of damage quickly and ignore shields... with momentum it has that edge the first 4 listed don't, however it's still subject to that creature control or stomped on another equally impressive rush. The nymph can be interesting here, for a denial effects

is a two trick pony, it has it's dim shield chain, against the bottom five it stops it dead, but against perm control it's a sitting duck. it's only savior is then twin universe which can turn tables quickly against such decks... but that really only helps against those playing big cards

with sundials and hourglasses/precogs will be able to offer damage delay while speeding through their deck to toss out some heavy hitting damage all at once, use eternity to prevent deckout. The thing is time is so expensive and requires the right early cards and a good flow of electrum early. So, the perm and mana control abilities can stop this
Top 4 in my humble opinion:

is really a wild card, but it's shield requires a lot of damage to beat, it has massive creature control, perm control, and can do some surprising things, chaos power allows it's weak creatures to become very strong, it's rivals though are also in this top 4 and when I've played, most of the time death/darkness and fire will beat it out, but not always.

get's around most healing/shields/perm effects/creature control with it's massive poison abilities, a 30 poison hit counter can by a pain that only water can stop. It has creature control all over the place, plague, virus, etc... and with a bone wall and bone yards it can go ahead and not care about an enemies creature control, it keeps feeding it's wall. Also it has an alternative source around pillars for electrum. It's wall if properly fed, also is one of the toughest walls. It's weapon only feeds to poison. Though you need to keep it tight, so you can't count on all of it's effects, what the tightest is, I'm not sure.

has a complete package, but nothing greatly overpowered, it has creature control/healing/perm control/perm protection/a reasonable shield/a reasonable weapon. The key card though is steal. A funny thing about most of the shields, is they are really good at protecting against it's own element, fire creatures die quickly against a firewall for example. Stealing the right perm for darkness switches the whole capabilities of the game. It's perm control is not just control but ownership that can quickly shut down just about any mono deck. It's only weakness really is in the form of creature control, but it's nymph can make up for some of that, and drain life at a upped cost of 1, is suitable for the spell version, or to be saved for some last might 24 damage against opponent and heal.

although recently nerfed, is one of the most powerful elements in mono form. It's weapon can build up to massive damage, it's dragon's upgraded are massive damage, upped phoenixes with cremation can get around perm/pillar control. It also got great perm control too. It also has great creature control out of it's butt. and with firelance capable of doing 36 damage, a fire stall is really tough to beat.
Just my two cents