Okay, I know there are those out there that will likely be unhappy with this thread, but what the heck, here it is.
Challenge: build a farm deck that has the following requirements:
1) Only 30 cards
2) Has 2 rares, 6 copies each (total of 12)
Then, make the deck a biter.

I know, I know, there is sentiment that farm decks should be non-biting, and in some way I sympathize. However, I find biting farms to be fun, even though I sometimes lose, simply because it was a challenge. I've certainly lost to my fair share of cows and chickens with attitudes and I've not been happy with the loss, but it was still fun though.
So, post what you use for a farm deck or what you think a farm deck should look like that bites. Perhaps post a biting farm deck you'd like to come up against. Point here is to have fun and throw in a little challenge.