Nice warez tab.
Thanks! and you mean Tvtorrents? They've won court cases to stay open. Their
basic argument is that before the internet, friends could video tape TV shows and share those tapes legally. When tvtorrents began, it was invite only (may still be), so every member has a connection to another. Basically, we're just sharing video tapes at a digital rate.
As for my links, I do indulge in pirated goods. My view is that if you haven't adopted your entertainment business plan based on an ever changing digital environment, then your business will fail in one way or another. Most entertainment companies (movies, music, etc) simply try to waste money waging a useless war on piracy. There's a better solution to the piracy problem that would benefit these companies. However, as the gap between the wealthy and the middle class continues to grow, I am not inclined to give the wealthy more of my money when I can obtain their products for free. Since there are so many people out there like me, they can continue their anti-piracy efforts, or they can and should adapt their business plan to take advantage of the speed with which the internet delivers their products. Basically, these companies need to invest more and get more out of companies like pandora, hulu, etc which rely on adverts. Or they need to do something radically different. Either way, if they don't adapt, both the companies and the consumers lose

And that's my off-topic rant for the day