12/6 shrieker with dive on first turn for chaos lord. Against a no sundial deck.
And that wouldn't be TOO bad. He only has 1 time quantum, after all, so you could kill it before it does too much damage, since your hand didn't look very bad.
Yeah, with 4 Quantum Towers there's a good chance to get that 1 Earth quantum needed for Protect Artifact (or 2 Entropy quantum to play Supernova).
That opening scenario is not a disaster itself, it all depends on what you and the False God draw next. If you draw an Otyugh for example, your situation will be much better. Chaos Lord only has
one damage on the table so in theory you can keep drawing cards for a long time.
It's not a great start but it's not a bad one either imo. No Pillars or Supernovas in your hand is still the king of bad first turns.