you could add your very own card to the game? I would make a design contest for a card that would make non dim/bone shields more playable, and choose it.
you could add your very own FG to the game? RedNymph/SoFo.
you could add your very own element to the game? Troll Blood. Duh.
You ruled the forums? I would get rid of the battle tab, add a tournament tab, implement a better chat, and add a light theme option.
you were given a wish? Thank the person who gave it to me
and a corrupted wish? No.
you could start a PVP event? Must have at-least 10 pendulums spanning 5 elements, upgraded.
you could decide what cards the oracle gifted? I think marks should be implemented in oracle with the same rarity as nymphs. Then, I would get one of those.
someone told you you'll only last a year alive? Mute. Block. Report.
you could unban skyron? would you do it? I do not know who that is.... So, no.
you had a superpower? The ability to change change the molecular density of myself and my surroundings.
you were an EtG card? Seraph. While being a god has its downsides, I think it would be better to being a toadfish, or something of the like.
you could summon zanz for an update? What would you ask him to do?
- Nerf SoFree/SoSac/Dim, buff Stone Dragon, Short Bow, Dagger.
- Replace PvP1 with Tournaments, and change PvP2 to simply PvP.
- Add Marks to Oracle spins(edit: These marks would have different art than those won from tournaments), and create a daily Boss with 5x Mark, 3x Draw and 1000 HP.