Something painful about the vault was the lack of a "current vault" option. Basically Vault minus Cards used in decks.
This is a very huge error. It's not posting decks and salvage that is problematic in War. It's forming a proper strategy.
Make 8 great decks out of 270 cards without knowing how many cards you have left? Sure, possible, but your brain might fry in the process.
For that reason I saw the vault as more painful to use than something that I could make by myself. Another thing was that I was afraid of editing the thing. Almost each cell contained some "magic functions" that required a lot of insight into the work you have done. My private sheets evolved over time according to my needs, here I could not touch anything because I was worried that I would brake something.
Maybe give us an empty sheet without any functions in it, so that we can edit it without fear?
I also missed a "History" option. You could not see how your vault has changed over the rounds if you didn't keep an independent database.
Time for the kind words. Everything you have done was great. Pasting deck codes. Automatic vault updates. The fact that audits were so much easier (there were, right?). Just look at vault errors done last war and this time. I have done a lot of drama to mobilize other teams to be more perfect. You on the other hand gave them a tool that allows them to make less mistakes. I guess your method is better.
Summing up. Everything you have done was good, it's the little but important things that are missing that bothered me through the entire event.