Two months ago in the thread
here I received useful feedback that has been incorporated into my
newest event, and I thank you for that.
I now have a few more questions regarding the hosting process, rather than the event rules. Feel free to discuss your votes in the thread.
How many PvP Events should be hosted at once, while War is NOT active?Fairly straigthforward question - how many PvP Events should be going at once while War is not going on? We currently have 1, but in the past it has been higher. Note that if there are 2 events going on at once, they will be staggered, so that they start a month or two apart.
How many PvP Events should be hosted at once, while War IS active?Just like the previous question, but assume that War is going on, and most of the teams are still alive. Should fewer PvP Events be running, and how many?
How many PvP Event Organizers/Managers should there be?We currently have only 1 PvP Event Organizer/Manager, but it in the past it has been higher. The main argument for hiring more PvP Event Organizers/Managers is that it would facilitate the selection and hosting of new events, and important sections of the forums ought to be staffed by multiple people. The main argument against the hiring is that the section is currently running adequately, albeit by distributing much of the designing and hosting to non-staff members.
How should PvP Events be selected?PvP events are currently selected by majofa. While this system is fast and ensures that events are reasonably balanced, the argument for a community vote would be to give everyone a say in which event is selected. The downside, however, could be that an unbalanced event is voted on. The third option, community vote with staff veto, serves as a middle-ground choice.
Do you prefer new or re-run events?Currently, events are re-run multiple times, due in part to a lack of PvP Event Organizers/Managers tasked with designing events. While these events are tried and true, there can be more excitement in new events.