I'd say that about 4,000 matches in the Platinum arena gives me the right to have an informed opinion. Not as much as most of you did, but I'd say that it's more than enough to state that I know of what I am talking about. You want example?
Here is a sequence of matches I am having. In pink the original decks, in grey the usual boring stuff.
1) Player: Ides Usher - Deck : Mono Dark - SoV + Vamps. - How original... -__-
2) Fluttershaun - Quanta denial - yeah, I don't see many of those around... -__-
3) lewis therin thelamon - Mono water SoPa - not particularly original but at least something different from the usual.4) lim-dul - weird Rushbow with FFQueen - that was odd and fun!5) adsr - PDial - putting a Plat farming deck as Plat deck? Are those all of the cards he has? booooh
6) Krazieorc - Scarab + Catapult - not very effective, but underused combo. The AI sacrificed the Pharao lol!7) Fist can be a verb 2 - Quanta denial + Dune Scorpions - it doesn't make any sense, a deck that prevents you from doing stuff with an added effect that takes advantage of you doing stuff. Never the less, Quanta denial was the main and only strategy.
8 ) Mathematistic - Speed Poison - yawn...
9) Tarakx - Fire Stall with Miracle - yeah, I surrender.
10) Zelnaught - EQ/tsunami + SoPa - Powering your creatures while your opponent can's do nothing. No one really thought about it... -__-
11) Giordo94 - SoV - Mono Dark - SoV + Vamps + Pests - Wow, never saw that before...
12) angellord - Mono Aether (Psion + SoW) - nice, a Silver farming deck in Platinum. Boring, but at least you had the decency of giving me a easy win.
13) popoklaus - Mono Fire Rush - lol
14) Kaw Bawlz - Mono White stall - yeah, very impressive. I surrender before boredom kills me. I already know I am going to deck out, so...
15) treebeard xiii - odd Entropy dominant Rushbow - fun and original!16) humakth - SoB Air with Elite FF to aliment UG. - Not very smart, since you are going to kill your own creatures but you tried to be original.17) lowell00 - Overdrive and Gravity pull on Vodoo dolls - weird and fun. OK, kudos.18 ) Gregus - Speed Poison - didn't I see that one already? yeah, he added SoPa... a hint of variation is not enough though.
19) XxKitsunexX - Pdial - ...
20) Wafeul - Rushbow - Rushbows are not truly original, but they have so many variation, so they are never boring.21) weitsoO6p (do people take random letters and numbers and put them in a row to decide their nickname? XD) - Multistrategy Rushbow - totally unpredictable. I literally had no idea of what was going to happen next. I was scared to press the spacebar :-D. Kudos.22) 201312345 - pure Steam Machine - ...
23) demajao815 - duo Darkness/Air SoB deck - meh
24) yo6mm - Shard Golem - underused but fun.25) dunkelheit - SoB ImmoRush - ...
26) beldrune - monowater - a noob deck in Platinum?
27) hcirtamehc (seriously guys, how do you choose your nicknames?) - SoFo Overdrive - -__-
28 ) vagman13 - Pestal, but with Mitosis instead of Fractal, so that you can also heal yourself with Bond while annoying the opponent - -_-
29) [sky] - Scarab Swarm + stuff - ineffective and poorly thought, but different at least.30) YOLO420PRAISEIT - Voodoo Rage - noob deck.
31) bladedwarbler - Rushbow + Life healing - nice32) kakaze - mono-darkness Pests + Vamps - I feel like I want to cry
33) laka - mono-darkness Pests + Dragons - I am crying now
34) jacodebeer - Ghostmare - this man is specialized in annoying me. If it's not Ghostmare it's Pestal or PDial. Man, try to find something else...
35) ikolev - mono-time - he has Time nymphs and wanted us to know. No strategy whatsoever, he just wanted to show Nymphs. Oh and GotP too.
36) virtualchoirboy - mono-entropy - lol
37) ma - SoFo Acceleration - woah, so much originality might kill me...
38) warrixII - FFQueen SoB - SoB, SoB everywhere! I love the FFQueen, but still...
39) Physsion - surely something with Darkness :-D - I don't know, you read "Physsion", I read "don't even try". Default pink to him.40) stewmanchu - Firestall with Miracle - -__-
41) gigiopigio - a verypoorly planned (or unlucky) mono fire- ...
42) geruto - Quanta denial - my favorite kind of annoyance
43) keanu94 - Mindgate Rainbow - Killed by my own strategy? That was... frustratingly fun44) devilman337 - Nymphs deck (I define it "show off" deck) full of Steals - was that meant to impress me? XD lol, better luck next time
45) Pigeon74 - Aether SoW with Sanctuary - ...
46) Foraker86 - SoW Flying Morning Star + Miracle - a boring idea applied in a new way. Meh, but I see the attempt to be original. Miracle should be banned from the game.47) Newbiecakes - SoPa + something - I don't know, since I was using PDial, I quit after the 6th Purify. Pink, to be fair.48) Tampon - SoPa Warden - cool.49) Aneninen - 1HP Firestall
50) Galley - VaderBoW? - funI'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have proof against everything you said there.
^The decks I'm building for arena. Also, there are plenty of people who really do a lot of effort in building their arena decks, jcj comes to mind.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
58u 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u9 71b 71b 74b 7ak 7do 7gq 7h2 7k2 7k6 7k6 7n5 7n5 7q5 7q5 7q8 80h 80h 816 8pj
^That's my personal plat grinder.
Also, if you've only seen those decks you listed, that means you aren't playing enough...like, seriously. I've seen tons of interesting decks out there. Synergies I haven't even thought of.
Do some research before trying to generalize. kthxbye
Your deck doesn't prove anything. Sorry to disappoint YOU. How boring, the usual guy that says "I have more experience than you, thus I am right, you are wrong" because experience makes his opinion unquestionable, saving him from the need to bring anything significant to the debate beside his huge ego... -__-.
I HAVE proofs and I just gave them to you. My message is addressed to all of those that are not highlighted in pink. You show originality. Thanks. The majority doesn't, hence my message. Now, I showed you a list with 50 games... care to add something significant to the argument?
Most people have tried/have seen others try to do unique stuff.
If it works it won't be creative anymore very soon. If it doesnt work, you're not going to put that up again.
I have to add that most stuff simply doesnt work, and goes 2-4 or something.
I noticed that those kinds of decks usually only get downvotes (probably because it only won with luck).
You have some good points here, yet I saw original decks that worked. If they don't work ALL the times whatever. What do you have to gain by an unbeatable deck?
not all of us build the boring decks I personally only build a deck for the arena if I can build an unusual deck, what drives people to build these boring decks is the drive to achieve number 1 when you get into platinum arena the odds are you will see the draw. Another key reason is there are very few interesting decks the ai can actually play, there is still money earned from a deck sticking around for a long time and for some of us it is the main source of income we get as the grind is inanely boring when you've been around a long time.
Yeah it makes sense. I just hope to see the majority of players to have your same attitude as you.
P.S.: you are the number 15 in my list :-).