Frankly, I wasn't planning on posting again (not this soon at least) but, again, I wasn't expecting so much replies to start with, so I'd like to adress some issues.
First of all, I'm not quitting because of the lobo. I rarely bring myself to play games a long time, and that's probably because I mostly pick the "easy" difficulty and quickly get bored with them. Elements was not only hard to start out with, but also very time consuming. I suppose the reason I liked it so much is because it was hard, it presented a huge challenge - so much grinding. I'm not complaining. I find the difficulty of the game it's charm so I can never complain about the grinding being so long. I was just stating a fact here, that I still didn't get my second lobo which lots of people said was NECESSARY for running RoL/Hope against FGs. Actually, I forgot to mention (which was probably why so many of you got my point wrong) that I already had a second lobo to begin with, however I accidentally sold it when I was selling my old mono-aether. So, yeah. (And Yes, I do know that RoL/Hope is ran with 3 lobos optimal. Notice: NECESSARY)
If you are serious about looking to make money this guy has some good advice but be prepared to put in a lot of work for not a lot of return for a while.
I think this is relivant, this is a Pm sent to Spineapple and myself last month, titled "Noobs"
"You know, a clear indicator that you're going against the status quo is when everyone, including like 3 veterans, goes against your claims.
Now, I'm not saying you two are wrong, but if you want to defy the status quo (especially about historical things like the composition of decks in Arena) then you should bring up facts instead of expecting everyone to believe your word."
Yea, really. Especially when the person involved has about half my score.
I'm not going to name names (because you know who you are,) but this sort of rubbish can drive players away. Thankfully I have a slightly thicker skin than you spine but I understand why you wouldn't feel wanted by a certain section of the sperg lords on the forum but dude I don't think you have made life easier for yourself.
I appreciate the help, though I program in Actionscript, not stencyl. I promise I'll read it, I may get something useful out of it.
I am prepared to spend a lot of time for not a lot. And I mean studying for a year only to find out that my game won't sell for much more than 50$.
I appreciate the PM and the time the person spent writing it. I also appreciate his opinion. I mean who knows - maybe he's right. In any case, if it was someone's actions that put me off - it was the chat moderators, which's - most of you probably know- methods I just can't bring myself to agree with. Neverhteless, they are moderators for a reason, so perhaps they are supposed to act the way they are, even though the rules state otherwise.
Congrats, you proved that indeed the 200posts requirement is there for a reason
However, GL in Flash. Personally I would've tried more towards making PC games or iOS. Flash is hard to get good $$$ out of. Also, it will require even more grinding than Elements. I'm also studying to become a programmer. Trust me when I say that you need to enjoy the feeling of having accomplished something even if it took going through tons of boredom. Otherwise, you won't have fun, and then you'll just drop it... and no one will remember you when you make that good bye thread....
Maybe I have. The only fact of relevance here is that I did something. No matter of how much importance it is.
I can't see myself making actual PC games. Actionscript seems tempting so I'll give it a try. Even if it doesn't work out, after all, it's a programming language, so I'll be learning other languages much easier if I decide so.
And yes, I do know that it takes a lot of time. As I said earlier, I'm prepared to study for over an year for pretty much no profit. But I will be learning. And I will be getting better.
And yes, the feeling after something has bothered and frustrated you for SUCH a long time, feeling almost impossible to solve - the feeling when you finally work it out is just the best thing in the world, and that is why I enjoy programming. The harder you work for success, the better that success will be.
And finally:
I guess the consensus here is that nobody really gives a crap. So move the hell on.
Thanks bro. I would never have figured that out on my own.