Blood and Spirit (idea by Patchx / Hyroen)
Concious and Subconcious (idea by Nepycros/Zblader/Everyone else in the 12 Realms story group that helped)
Moral and Immoral (Refinement of the Good/Evil concept)
Rainbow/Other and Void (Void by Stickmasterluke)
Blood/Spirit seems interesting. Reminds me of the Kamigawa from MTG. Blood would be more damage stuff, but Spirit would be more lobo? Where does it fit on the pattern thingy? Time + Light = Spirit, Aether + Darkness = Blood? I could see that happening.
Conscious/Subconscious, as I understand it, is really the difference between cards and mark, and I'm not a fan
Moral/Immoral, or Good/Evil, is reallllly border line light/darkness. I'd just fold it in there. I know people are going to say DARKNESS ISN'T EVIL WAAAAAH. I think of it more like DnD good/evil.
Rainbow/Other and/or void.... just seems imbalanced. We have other right now (I'd prefer to call it neutral), and I've yet to see a rainbow card that couldn't also be a neutral card.
Errr... you misunderstood Rainbow/Other. I'm saying Void cards could be the opposite to Other cards (which are already ingame).
Spirit is more Max HP increasing at the cost of current HP loss. Blood is the exact opposite. However, I'd leave it up to the individual interpretation ATM.
Moral/Immoral is just a though on how there's sometimes a dual alignment thing in RPG's (Lawful and Chaotic seperate from Good and Evil respectively).
Concious and Subconcious are elements based on the overall concepts of the mind, if they were ever implemented. Concious would represent the choices made knowingly(like choosing what videogame you want to play) and subconcious would resemble the subtle things that we're not always aware of (instinctively quickscoping because you've done it so often you're 1337).
Conscious and Subconscious, or Mind and Psyche, could be and , and and ?
It'd come pretty close, but they're different enough to stand out as seperate elements.
Can we go back to the past and change time/manipulate memories? No, we're capable of erasing memories, but that's as close as you'll get.
Is every action we do for our own personal gain? No, we help others.
Is every action we do based on whim? No, we do think our actions out sometimes.
Is every action going to create life? No, that's why suicide, accidents, murder, etc... occurs. Other everyday actions like munching a cookie do not count as creation of life either.
The keyword is "every" - since not everything Concious and Subconcious would do would necessarily associate them enough with the 12 elements, they could exist by themselves.