I think it's much better to skip the LA part and start with an unupped CCYB, then upgrade it by selling the cards instead of using RoL/Hope
LA>Unupped CCYB in terms of money.
I personally won't suggest any unupped deck for farming FG. the unupped decks won't get a winning rate of more than 20%, which means you get only 1 win for 5 or even more games, and you'll definately lose score, whether you lose money or not depends on how lucky you are with spinning, and if you're not that lucky, you'll just end up with nothing.
say your winning rate is 20%, you start with 1000 electrum, you can play about 50 games before you lose all your money, you win 10 and lose 40, spent an hour or more. if you win 1 card from spinning, you'll make even, and winning 2 or more will be profitable. however, you still have a good chance not being able to win >2...