To be frank, from the newbie point of view, You not only have to slowly buy all the different cards, you also have to learn to use them, so you can actualy make money. That means learning to make decks, ect.
I'll admit, It doesn't SEEM to hard at first, untill you realy look close, and notice that your trying to buy things that can cost up to and above 100g, and even grinding t50, your making at the absolute best 75 gold a game. Of course, you can't grind FG's till you have an upped deck.. Which can easily cost you 50K.
I'm obvoisly rambling at this point.
1: Getting all the cards is hard for the casual gamer
2: upped deck is hard to get for a casual gamer
3: Newbs have it ROUGH. Lots of cards to get, lots to learn, to much money to earn.