Was brought up and abandoned. There's no actual work for a Master of Other, and it's not a title that's representative enough since the category of Other has no real identity at present time. With more unique cards, perhaps a Master could be justified. I don't really care for the concept though.
^I agree on this point. Other ATM is currently just a bunch of supplementary cards that define magic or entities that do not truly belong to any element(Shards associate themselves with Elements but are considered magical items from what I have seen.). It doesn't seem fair to make a person a master of that. War (and the semi-hiatus World of Elements) covers Other with Team Underworld (
), and they do a pretty good job.
If being a Master of Other involves no skill, then this should be considered a humor topic. (The poll including all "Yes" options seems to indicate that.)
Since other is a secondary miscellaneous category it only contains cards that do not fit in any of the 12 primary categories.
Currently any card that has a cost of elemental quanta in either unupped or upgraded form or is a Pillar/Pendulum of a element is filed under that element.
Flying Weapon|Animate weapon costs | and thus is filed under Air in the bazaar and therefore is an Air card.
Sundial costs | and thus is filed under Time in the bazaar and therefore is a Time card.
To expand on Oldtrees's previous statement: Cards that are free belong to their respective elements for thematic reasons. Light and Aether get a -1 cost bonus on some of their cards compared to other elements general card structure (This -1 bonus seems to have expanded to other small creatures like Gnomes and Dragonflies). Luceferin is considered the
alchemy and only costs
due to it's more situational nature. Quantum generating cards are associated with their element namely because they focus on generating 'energy' (quantum) that allows an elemental of their element to function. (Nova follows
's theme of messing with other elements with cards like Dissipation Field (upgraded) and Mutation.)
tl:dr version - Meh. Does it really matter?