
Offline Holokausti

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Wanna thank you too. The breakdown is really useful if you're just starting to use the deck. Any recommendations on which healing card to use? I can run all of them but not sure which one would be optimal.

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The safe way is too use 3 SoG if you have them because nymph is very slow and need ton of light quanta. Sanctuary have his avantage but can only be paid with light quanta too.. While you're sure to be able to play SoG in your second turn if needed.

However sancturary have some advantage vs decay or dark matter for example but decay will steal it and vs dark I think you'll even prefer so SoG.

Conclusion : if you have them use SoG.
War Se7en

Offline Holokausti

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Alright, thanks. SoG it is then. :)

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hmm so in the unupped version - is adding like 2 sanctuarities a good move?

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maybe -1pillar -1 hope +2 sanc but I'm not sure that it will be better
War Se7en


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Thanks for this thread, ralouf. It made me continue with Elements to hopefully finally beating those false gods and receiving a few upgraded cards - up until that point I recommend Liquid Antimatter, it also works fairly well, great considering it has no upgraded cards. It only took about 3000 games to finally get 2 lobotomizers (today I had a rare spin in the arena with two lobos already there, but once again, no luck). I had spent 6000 of my precious electrums in the meantime on 4 RoL and with these I finally started FG farming, obviously a 30 card deck because I only had the 4 RoL. But it worked pretty well nonetheless, managed to add a fifth RoL soon after and so far it's been successful enough that I hardly lose electrums over time... keep those upgraded cards coming, gods!

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Yes you can use the deck with 4/5 RoL because anyway you'll fractal them but 6 is good to make sure you'll draw it. Good farm, get a lot of upped cards and enjoy :)
War Se7en


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Just played your arena deck which is topping the silver table, nicely done. Lost by 5 HP with my semi-upgraded Grabbix, poison is nasty.

As for this thread, thanks once more for the thorough help, the breakdown for the individual gods is proving really helpful.

Offline raloufTopic starter

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Yep poison is very awesome :) gratz to make the game so close ;).

Glad to see that all I wrote is usefull, thanks !
War Se7en

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I posted this in Xeno's tutorial but I believe this deserves a place here as well so without further ado I present My Rareless Version.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the miss-use, death, lobotomization, glitches, panic attacks, etc. that occur from the use of this deck.
I currently use my own rare-less version of RoL/Hope:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5la 5la 5lk 5lk 5lk 5lk 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 622 622 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 808 81q 8pu

This has won for me with just about the same effectiveness as the 3 lobotomizer version and since I don't have to choose between using those my quanta on lobotomizing or fractaling I can almost always fractal in 2-3 turns after the first 3 or 4 draws at the latest. Every once in a while I get a few bad draws with lots of fractals but I consider it better than having to keep the lobotomizer(s) stuck in my hand in case of PC. I started off with an account based around farming with an unupped speed-bow against ai3 until I had LA+~3000 electrum. I then farmed with LA until I had enough money to buy my RoL/Hope deck and now I have 2000 electrum and am farming Gold and have a level 10 arena deck where before I had -4000 score with LA.
Upgrading tip: Upgrade pillars and pendulums like I did in the picture above. Alternate the 2 upgrades to increase the deck's resistance against earth quake. Especially helps when only 2-4 towers/pendulums are upgraded :)


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Deck runs like a rollercoaster at times :-)
oh i got this guy finally locked with 20 Health left. Durrrrrr 2x Momentum Mutant wtf lol
Or hey.. dont play that Firestorm again ! nvm i m dead without that RoL Shield grrrrr

thanks to all developing this :-)

- as you fight fire queen and your lobo arives a bit late, remember to lobo those flies.. else he build a lot fire up for some lances he has hidden on decks bottom for you !
- Seism without unupped pend/towers = skip. pulls up antilions shriekers and other stuff faster than you can build enough fractal quanta or i m just extrem unlucky with my RoL draws for the Early hope.


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[Bookmarked] This thread is my bible for RoL/Hope farming. :]

With the exact same deck, I've killed Ferox a few times, and he only managed to deck me out once.
Just play 13 RoL and fill the field with Upped Dragons asap. This way, you can do more damage than he can heal. Just hope he won't draw too much Bonds. I chose 13 because it pays for a dragon per turn. But if you can play less, be my guest.

He can heal 23xB with B the number of bonds in play +Jade Scepter. You can deal 13+10xDragons=133. So if he has less than 5 bonds, it's doable. 5 or more and you risk to deck out.

If you play Archangels or Crusaders, I think you should skip. :)


blarg: tribaltrouble