Thanks to all you nice people, I finally collected all Rare cards, including all those lovely and delicious
My sincerest thanks to those who are kind enough to design decks whose sole purpose is for giving a good chance of acquiring Rares; I, at least, highly appreciate that I no longer have to grind a hellish number of monotonous and enervating battles against the predictable AI.
I won't name names, since I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for other new players.
(But the real reason is I don't actually remember your names, I remember you by your rank
. I apologize if I offended you by doing so.)
This will be my only post, as I prefer to be a lurker; Yes, I was just that happy.
But rest assured, I'll keep playing this game until some unfortunate happenstance prevents me from doing so, such as my PC going an hero.
You have my eternal gratitude, Top 50!