This topic is for anyone who doesn't have rares, score or electrum.
After grinding t50 for a couple months, I've noticed certain times of the week are better for grinding.
Earlier in the week is better for grinding. You can stop reading here lazy people.
The beginning of the week is the best time to grind (arguably) That is when medium score players make it onto the t50. Most of these players know that they are only going to be on for a limited amount of time and rare farms become more frequent. Either that or they don't know and you can beat up the decks that they are using easily.
In the middle of the week, there are fewer farms, and top players decide that they have given enough farm. Lots of evil decks around now. Towards the end, I play a couple times to see if vets have switched back to farms, but generally, they haven't played for a while and are either the same old anti-farm decks or gone back to score grinding