This is a place to put tips for farming (i.e. attempting to get maximum money/cards per time period, or attempting to get certain rare cards in the minimum time period).
My tips are stuff I just realized over the last 24 hours of farming:
1) Don't farm T50 late Sunday night. The Weekly t50 seems to reset at 12AM on Sunday, so you see a sudden profusion of random noob decks, as whoever happens to be logged on gets put in the t50 until the regulars with their regular scores log on and get Saved.
2) Many more t50 decks will be rarefarms in the late PM/early AM hours than in midday. Those t50 people are playing during the day, so you won't see jmizzle7's, tttt's, etc. rare farms up -- they're all loaded up with their false-god-killing rainbows. Krog seems to be permanently rarefarmed, at least this week, but that's about the only rarefarm up at 2:30 pm PST -- and trust me, I've been looking for hours.
3) When you aren't rarefarming t50, you should be farming False Gods if you can, or moneyfarming t50 if you can't.
So, basically, FGs all day and early Sunday morning, t50 all night and especially later in the week.
That's my tip. Anyone else got a good one?