Best card in game? (I know its an opinion but surely we can come to a solution?)
It's a tough call, but I think I'd go with Electrum Hourglass. Drawing extra cards for one measly time quanta rules.
Most OP card in game currently? (Another opinion one)
Gravity Nymph. This is pretty much instant death if you don't have an answer ASAP.
Most UP card in game currently? (And yet another)
Graviton Mercenary, Plate Armor, or Liquid Shadow
Most over used card?
Easiest question of all. According to the answer for unupgraded cards is Quantum Pillar (if pillars are counted) or Steal, which is 7th, behind 6 pillars. For upgraded cards it is Quantum Tower, or Shard of Gratitude in 2nd place if you ignore towers. Supernova and Electrum Hourglass are 3rd and 4th, and those are twice as used as the 5th place card, Elite Otyugh.
Using that same table, the most underpowered card (based on lack of usage) is Flooding (unupgraded). I'm not counting Nymphs, because those are underused due to scarcity. For upgraded cards, it's Elite Skeleton.