For the gods, are cards selected from the base 30-60 card deck, or from the doubled 60-120 card deck?
From the base 30-60. Actually when I was working on the stats for the wiki I was curious and tested both cases in my simulator.
The results are exactly the same when picking from the doubled deck
And while we're on the topic of decks and spins, we know the composition of AI1, AI3 and god decks. How about AI2?
AI2 decks are taken from a set of 12 premade builds
AI3 decks are taken from a set of 11 other premade builds
FG decks are taken from a set of 11 other premade builds
It's interesting to notice that the data file actually contains 12 premade builds for AI3 and 12 for FG. But for some reason, the 12th can never be reached by the code. This is probably a bug.
If you want, I can put the build of the 12th fake god on the wiki (he's called "Ferox" and has mainly Life cards).
So farming decks should use quantum pillars instead of towers? Or any elemental pillar/tower?
Anything BUT quantum towers is OK.
The farming deck that gives the most chances for the player to win something is probably:
24 x pillar
6 x rare card of your choice
Also, if you have a wiki page or something I can link to in the first post that would be better than general statements from Zanzarino
Not yet. I'll try to create that soon.