how is poison different from an opponent laying down a dragon the turn before you kill them? or fire lancing you? or using any other spell or creature to do more damage than you can heal before you kill him? Mono decks are one element, which means that they do what the do really well. Without SoG, Fire has NO healing, meaning you have to kill them before they do ANY damage to get EM. If you win in 3 turns, and the only thing they got out all game was a Skelly on turn 2, you still don't get an EM, because you took 1 damage. Is that wrong? No, it's the way the game is made. You can't counter creatures before they attack, you can't stop poison before it takes effect, etc.
Is all this worthy of taking away EM? That depends on what you consider an EM. As it stands, it's based solely on health, not creatures, permanents, or whatever.
I have 1 life, no creatures, no Towers, only permanents are 2 hourglasses and a DimShield at 0, but enough quanta built up to play a 12/3 Dragon, a Miracle, and a Bond.
Chaos Lord has 12 life left, a field full of mutants (let's say 130 damage showing), and quanta enough to play his whole deck.
I draw a Dragon, HG a Miracle, HG a Bond.
I play the dragon, Miracle, Bond. EM.
Do I deserve this? Just because I got lucky to draw this?
I understand that EM is a big deal. But, it being how it is, bring Miracles and some way to get enough

. Rainbow almost guarantees EM when you win, but it takes forever. I could play a match for 10 min (I play slow cuz I play for fun, not to grind), but I EM almost every match I play. Fire, however, can play matches in 2 min, and win just as often...but not EM as much. So does it suck that Rainbow EMs more and so gets more money? They don't get more money, because they spend more time to win that money. Overall, it evens out, I think. And Fire EMs quite a bit, I hear, anyways...