Anyone that spends a little time in the card ideas section has probably seen a lot of cards that were automatically coined OP or UP. Steam machine is one new card that is often considered UP. Heres my question though. Should we try to balance out each and every card so that no 1 card is better than the other.
I personally think this is a bad idea. In every card game there are cards that some people want more because of it being more powerful. In Yu-Gi-Oh, there are the God cards, Exodia (get all 5 pieces in your hand and you automagically win), and others as well. These cards are very powerful, but they are also extremely hard to pull off. Now, i dont think there should be any THAT powerful, as the examples I gave truely are ridiculously OP, however, what would be the harm in having some cards that are more powerful? And why is it that just because a card isnt as powerful as the rest, it needs to be buffed?