MEDIUM INFRACTIONS - 40 pointsFlaming: Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted.
What element you trialing for? I'll make it 3. You'll get slaughtered so badly people won't even be sure if you were killed. They'll start calling you SchrodingerCat. NoobRanger had pitiful competition. When I crush him 5-0 what will that say about me? D2D is a living representation of the feeling you get when you're playing monofire and run into bonebolt and the opponent bottom decks bonewall and you still lose.
TheHeatEatsTreesReallyUnbelievablyTastelessly.HavingHeatwavesUnderneathRbootrangerTransmits DangerousAlienWavelengthsNotSeenAnywhere.YourIntegrityNeverGoesUnnoticed.RavingrabbidBarelyAnnoysDdevans.Worldwideweb3OnlyNeedsToCarryHisAllies.NothingGoodEverTastedHalf-heartedAsTheonlyfakebeef.