I'll skip chapter one... actually read my posts!
Chapter 2: The big secret of dealing with people
Ok maybe that wasn't a figure of speech or metaphor.. but whatevs.
Principle 2:Compliment sincerely and honestly
Chapter 3:He who can do this this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way
Principle 3:Motivate often to do what you propose.
Chapter 4:Do this and you’ll be welcome anywhere
Principle 4:Be genuinely interested in others
Chapter 5:A simple way to make a good first impression
Principle 5: Have a smile
Chapter 6:If you don’t do this you are headed for trouble
Principle 6:Remember a person’s name so that they are important
Chapter 7:An easy way to become a good conversationalist
Principle 7:Learn to listen. Encourage others to talk about themselves
Chapter 8:How to
get people to like you instantly
Principle 8:Talk to people about what they are interested in
Chapter 9:How to
make people like you instantly
Principle 9:Make others feel important and do it sincerely
Chapter 10:You can’t win an argument
Principal10: Avoid controversy, unless you can come out on top.
Chapter 11:A sure way of making enemies and how to avoid it.
Principle 11:Respect others’ opinions. Never tell people they are wrong.
Chapter 12:If you’re wrong, admit it.
Principle 12:If you are wrong, admit it promptly and energetically. (In the book its "If you're wrong, admit it quickly and empathetically" which I think empathetically is a lot better then energetically...)
Chapter 13:A drop of honey (repetitive of chapter 1)
Principle 13:Begin on a friendly note.
Chapter 14:The Secret of Socrates
Principle 14:Ask questions that will lead to them saying yes immediately.
Chapter 15:The safety valve in handling complaints
Principle 15:Make the person you are talking to feel completely comfortable speaking.
Chapter 16:How to get cooperation
Principle 16:Allow the person you are talking to the pleasure of thinking it was his idea.
Chapter 17: A formula that will work wonders for you.
Principle 17:Make a real effort to see things from the other person’s point of view.
Chapter 18:What everybody wants
Principle 18:Welcome kindly the ideas and desires of others. (I tried to do this in mafia with UTA my partner so he would be comfortable with me executing plans without going to him first. He's a pretty understanding guy anyway)
Chapter 19:Appeal that everybody likes
Principle 19:Appeal to higher feelings.
Chapter 20:The movies do it. TV does it. Why don’t you do it?
Principle 20:Show off your ideas spectacularly. Appeal to both sight and imagination.
Skipping chapter 21... this is like a last resort that should be reserved for very dire situations.
Chapter 22:If you must find fault, this is the way to begin
Principle 22:Start out with sincere praise.
Skipping Chapter 23.. it's contradictory to an earlier point if you just read the title and principle.
Chapter 24:Talk about your own mistakes first (AKA be humble)
Principle 24:Mention your own mistakes befote correcting those of other people.
Chapter 25:Nobody likes to take orders
Principle 25:Ask questions rather than giving direct orders.
Chapter 26:Let the other person save face (Zblader, I didn't feel like you were doing this mainly in chat. That's mainly why a compromise wasn't established.)
Principle 26:Let the person you are speaking with save face.
Chapter 27:How to spur people on to success
Principle 27:Praise the smallest progress and praise any progress. Do it warmly and generously.
Chapter 28:Give a dog a good name
Principle 28:Give a good reputation to the deserving
Chapter 29:Making the fault seem easy to correct
Principle 29:Encourage. Make errors seem easy to fix.
Chapter 30:Making people glad to do what you want
Principal 30: Make others happy to do what you suggest.