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Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279684#msg1279684
« on: September 02, 2018, 12:37:28 am »
Still not sure if a topic like this has been made.
I've been wondering which alchemy card is best for what, so I decided to make a ranking for all 12 of them. I'll probably add the rest of the cards once I get the chance.
EDIT: All cards have been ranked.

CardDescriptionViable DecksRanking
A simple yet effective soft-CC card: Heals you and makes a creature (almost) useless. However it's really expensive for what it does and is hard to fit into a deck, especially if it's unupped. There are a couple of synergies this card can work with, and it's versatility is kind of decent (Stalling, healing, shield bypass, etc.). Other than that, there are other cards that work better than it.Liquid Antimatter, Dissipation Stall, Entropy Light Stall6.5/10. Expensive and hard to implement into a deck, but when it does work it pays off.
Quick poison damage with a bonus, it creates Malignant Cells. These creatures quickly fill up the deck, which either provides a lockdown effect or gives out exponential damage. However, the later strategy is easily blocked by most shields. Another use for Malignant Cells is to kill them all for an abundance of death effects. This can result in a giant Vulture, a nearly impenetrable Bone Wall, or an entire army of Skeletons. However, there aren't too many decks that can make good use of Aflatoxin.Certain OTK decks, Afla+Skull Shield, Solar Cells6/10 Plenty of synergies and usages, a decent cost, but almost useless by itself.
:gravityBLACK HOLE:gravity
Provides healing, and sucks away a maximum of 3 quanta per pool. Works best with other denial cards (Discord, Earthquake, Devourer, etc.), and it's most effective against rainbow decks. However, it loses most of it's viability against a mono deck when alone. It's one of those cards that you have to play early.Discohole, Blacksands, Devhole7/10 An effective denial card that works perfectly with other denial cards. Only drawback is that it's risky to play by itself.
:earthBASILISK BLOOD:earth
Compliment's the nature of Earth well. Can be used as soft-CC, to turn a creature into an meat shield, or to increase the power of Catapult fodder. However, once the 6 turns are up the creature is nigh-invulnerable. It works better as a support card instead of a main card.Catapult decks, Earth Stalls, CC-Novabows, It's A Trap7/10 Effective at what it does, but can't really stand on it's own. There aren't a lot of ways to mix this into a deck, but when a deck does it works beautifully. EDIT: I moved it up by 1 point because it's cheap cost allows it to be easily splashed into a deck.
Creates one of the fastest decks out there, and it's a highly versatile deck. (Pure damage, delay negation, quanta acceleration, triggering multiple uses of an automatic ability etc.) Also a cheap price for an effective card. The sweet spots for this card are 3 ATK, 7 ATK, 8 ATK, and 15 ATK.Adrenastaves, Mono Life Rush, Adrenaline+Quanta Generating Creature, Adrenachargers9/10 Can be used in many different ways, and is a great card to base a deck around. Also synergizes with many different creatures for different effects.
:fireRAGE POTION:fire
A hard-CC card that's almost on par with Lightning, it kills many different creatures and can increase the ATK of creatures that are above the range of the damage. Best used with any durable creature, but can only be used as CC in a Mono-Fire deck.Raging Dolls, Fire Stall, Raging [Creature with more than 5-6 HP], Several OTK Decks8/10 Not as versatile as Adrenaline, but still very useful in specific decks. It can also stand up for itself fairly well.
:waterNYMPH'S TEARS:water
It's expensive, but it creates nymphs. This means that you can use any alchemy card for as many times as you have the quanta to do so, provided you have the pillars for it. It can be used to aid in a rush, or for when 6 alchemy cards just isn't enough.The AI1 Deck, NT Liquid Antimatter, Mono Water NT Rush, Dark Tears, Air Tears9.5/10 Infinite usage of any alchemy card makes up for the lack of ability to put into a deck. Also allows for decent card advantage.
A quick 10+ HP for 2-1 of any quanta, and the added bonus of giving vanilla creatures the ability to generate :light. This also means that it can fuel Hope, and it can be put into any element with its cost of any quanta. In other words, any element could have their own version of RoL/Hope as long as they have vanilla creatures. However, that's really the only use it has.DejaHope, All Hail Gl1tch!, LuciSoVHope Dolls5/10 There isn't much use for it except for a Hope deck. The only thing that makes it any higher up is the fact that it doesn't use :light quanta.
A card that comes with quick spell damage, and some minor mass CC. It's main strength is that it has the potential to defeat an opponent in one kill, and fast; the duo cost isn't much of a setback either, since it can easily be powered by Fire Mark, Immolation, or even Elite Firefly. However, it's an easy target for PC of any kind.Dialgas, UG OTK, Fire/Air Duo7.5/10 While it's always neat that you can kill your opponent in one turn, it can't be used for anything else. Despite that, it's still an extremely speedy card.
This card effectively serves as a cheap draw, with the added bonus of seeing what your opponent's hand is. If you happen to draw a Time Tower with Precog, the already cheap second draw is basically free. However, it's much better as a nymph instead of a standalone card as Golden Hourglass does it's job each turn as long as you don't deck out.Dialgas, Silence is Golden (Nymph), Golden Nymph Rush (GEE I WONDER)5.5/10 Similarly to Luciferin, Precognition's effect isn't really that useful as a card. However, it's better in the way that it speeds up decks by a little bit and that you can see your opponent's hand.
:darknessLIQUID SHADOW:darkness
When this spell is applied onto a creature, it loses any abilities it already had and gains the vampire ability. This means that the creature will heal any damage that it deals. However, it poisons the creature as well. The card itself can be used as a way to heal yourself, lobotomize a creature, or outright kill it. Despite this, it's not efficient at most of the stuff it does and it easily countered by Reverse Time.Liquid Antimatter...again, Daywalker, Liquid Chargers5/10 While it's versatile, strategies using it can often backfire horribly. Besides, there's better ways to heal yourself.
The go-to card to make a creature immortal (except for shield effects), and to make creatures deal spell damage with the usage of Shard of Wisdom. This can be used to bypass shields completely, or to have your opponent's creatures attack their owner. While the effect is extremely helpful in certain situations, there isn't much of a way to use it effectively.SoW Reflect, SoWyrms, Sometimes used to support other cards in other decks (Ex. *sigh* Liquid Antimatter)4/10 Anubis and Turquoise Nymph does a better job than the card itself, and any useful strategies using it are limited to six creatures per card even with Anubis/Turquoise Nymph. (Maybe not NT Liquid Antimatter, but it's extremely inconsistent already.

TL;DR Ranking: NT, Adrenaline, Rage Pot, UG, BH & BB, Antimatter, Afla, Precog, Luciferin & LS, Quint

I'm interested in seeing how you guys rank the alchemy cards.
Oh crap, this is my 175th post.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 12:31:28 am by InsignificantWeeaboo »
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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards (WIP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279685#msg1279685
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2018, 12:58:03 am »
why bb only 6/10? it's one of best shut down cards in the entire game, delay 6 turns it's an autokill in a lot of scenarios, god level filler cc card in almost every bow

u forgot a lot of thing in viable decks:

rage pot: several otk decks
bb: it's trap/vdb
adrenaline: adrenachargers
nt: dark tears which is pretty much a standalone deck rather than a simply  :water :darkness duo, also air tears

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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards (WIP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279688#msg1279688
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2018, 01:11:13 am »
Don't forget about other's alchemy card. Relic: 10/10. So stealthy the opponent can never even tell it's there. False god tier filler card for ANY deck. Quanta cost is NON-ZERO allowing it to escape tournament rules than ban 0-cost cards. Card art is impeccable. Card art doesn't change with upgrade, preventing any confusion or memory trip-ups when trying to remember a specific version of the card. ALMOST DOUBLE the sell price of all the other cards in its respective element. This card is basically the dragon of "other" without any of the downsides that dragons bring with them. Fear factor is exponentially higher than any other card in this game. Dim shield 9.5/10 fear factor? Relic is 9001/10. Relic has 5 letters. Tower shield costs 5 quanta. Coincidence? I think not.

On a separate note, I'm curious as to why you gave aflatoxin a 6. I would personally give it lower, like a 4 or 5. Malignant cell can be amazing and while there is a lot you can do with aflatoxin, it's a pretty expensive card in my opinion and it's a relatively slow cc. I find it hard to fit this card into decks and I find many other cards do what it does better, despite it being a cool and unique effect.
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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279695#msg1279695
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 05:15:10 am »
why bb only 6/10? it's one of best shut down cards in the entire game, delay 6 turns it's an autokill in a lot of scenarios, god level filler cc card in almost every bow
nt: dark tears which is pretty much a standalone deck rather than a simply  :water :darkness duo, also air tears
Decided to lift BB up a bit to reflect on this. Also, could you link me to a Dark Tears build?

On a separate note, I'm curious as to why you gave aflatoxin a 6. I would personally give it lower, like a 4 or 5. Malignant cell can be amazing and while there is a lot you can do with aflatoxin, it's a pretty expensive card in my opinion and it's a relatively slow cc. I find it hard to fit this card into decks and I find many other cards do what it does better, despite it being a cool and unique effect.
I put Afla at 6 because while the card isn't the greatest, there are worse alchemy cards.
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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279712#msg1279712
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2018, 01:22:20 pm »
TL;DR Ranking: NT, Adrenaline, Rage Pot, UG, BH/BB, Antimatter, Afla, Precog, Luciferin & LS, Quint


About the list, I disagree in some cases and agree in others. I'll provide my thoughts

NT: Very strong card, deserves it's place.
Adren: Another strong card, versatile, also deserves a good place.
Rage Pot: Again, versatile, strong. Faces a bit of competition from Fire Bolt, but all around strong card.
UG: The first thing on the list that I do not think is in the right place. This card should be MUCH lower imo, it doesn't have that great combos, and by itself is suboptimal. I don't think it's the worst on the list, but it is quite bad.
BH: Good card in some combos, bad card in a lot of other situations. It's nice to get from SoFo and Nymph, but alone, it's pretty bad. I rate it lower.
BB: Amazing card, good stalling, good in some combos.
Antimatter: Another great card. Bit costly, but is an amazing stalling tool.
Afla: Not a great card, and requires to be built around for the drawback not to be too great. Firecell exists, but outside of that it's a bad card so I don't rate it highly.
Precog: One of the worst of the bunch. It's 1 card for 1 draw so it offers no card advantage, and is only used as a thinning tool. In these situations, what are you thinning your deck for? Combo pieces? Use Sundial or Golden Hourglass. Creatures? Either put in more creatures, or splash in Fire and use SoBra.
Luciferin: Bad card, often outshadowed by a lot of others. Has niche use in some Hope decks, but not much else.
LS: Bad card on it's own, average with help. Antimatter is it's main combo piece, but is one of the only notable combos.
Quint: Not a great card, but slightly better than some others as it doesn't directly hinder you. SoW Reflect uses it, but is similar in functionality to Liquid AM.

My tier list (opinion):
NT, Adren, BB, Rage Pot, Antimatter, Black Hole, Luci, Aflatoxin, UG, Quint, LS, Precog.
Not sure on what numbers to provide. But here's how I'd rank them at least.
I could also see an argument for Adren and BB to be switched

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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279722#msg1279722
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2018, 04:25:19 pm »
dark tears is something like this, depending on ups/restrictions/cards u have in vault

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Deck import code : [Select]
5i4 5i4 5i4 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5jm 5jm 5up 5up 5v1 5v1 606 606 606 606 7gk 7gk 7gk 7i6 7i6 7i6 7tb 7tb 7um 7um 7um 7um 8pp

isn't the classic dark splash that u can do with every element and call it dark domin, with dark pillars u can make vampire nymphs and soft cc creatures with an ability

more things to add:

normal  :air :fire duo for ug (matched with dragons+deflag)

on the rankings: ug, adren and nt are on a tier, then all rest, last luciferin: this card always looked like a sort of bad/good version of holy flash, i use it for the first time in pvp for my choice only 2 months ago for turning a duo into a trio with 4 copies of it for a weekly tournament lol

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add lucisovhopedolls only for the lol

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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279730#msg1279730
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2018, 05:20:30 pm »
I guess I'll give my rankings for fun. This is assuming we're not talking about nymphs.

Adrenaline - versatile and single handedly makes several decks and creatures more viable.
Basilisk Blood - I don't personally use this card often which makes me biased against it and tempted to put it lower, but this card is pretty insane. 6 turn cc is pretty close to killing it. The +20 hp can be useful for voodoo decks, singularity decks, or catapult decks. Great card.
Nymph's Tears - I might be biased because I don't play NT rushes, but I don't think this card is better than the two above it. It really doesn't have a whole lot of decks it can be played in. There are several ways to counter this without evening knowing your opponent will play it (granted it's tough). Amazing rush card though, not as versatile as the two above.
Black Hole - I know this card loses a lot value against mono's but it still hurts monos and destroys rainbows. I even think this card is really good against duos. Losing 3 of each quanta in a duo is pretty brutal because most duos are looking to pull off a combo (even if it's just like adrena vamps). Factor in cards like discord and black hole is something people have to play around.
Unstable Gas - Slightly expensive card but you're doing 20 damage for 7 quanta. Most decks don't bring extensive healing so you don't even have to one shot. I actually think it's really risky when people save up unstable gas to one shot when the opponent could have PC. Get 3 of these and you do 60 damage, that's usually enough to win with a few creatures. Not to mention the creature control it brings (not a lot but still something to consider). Also, using upped fireflies you don't even need to splash duo into a UG deck; or you can just use fire mark.
Rage Potion - I know this might seem low because of how many duos and splashes can use this, but I think this card is outshined by a lot. Firebolt beats this once you hit 10 fire quanta. A lot of other cc works equally well. This card has pretty good rushing potentially, but only a few decks really benefit from the risk of splashing fire duo. A lot of monos can keep pace or even outpace rage potion rushes with less risk of bad starting draws.
Antimatter - Expensive card. Feels great when you pull off a few good antimatters, but how often does that actually happen compared to how often you just lose anyways when trying to stall. There's some good combos with this card but they're not easy to pull off because they aren't consistent due to the cost. Also it can be played around especially since most people bring cc in their decks anyways.
Quintessence - I think this card is about 1 quanta cost too high to really be used more often. It can be really powerful and make a large amount of your opponent's cards useless. The problem is it's too expensive and takes up a lot of deck space. SoW is good combo card but that's 3 cards you need to either get immortal spell creatures or set up the reflective shield combo. Lower this card's cost by 1 and I think it shoots up a few in my rankings. Right now it's way too expensive to consider using, but still worth more than what I have ranked below.
Precognition - I think this card is pretty good for rushing. You can argue sundial and hourglass are better but they don't really serve the same function. Sundial is a stall card that requires another quanta to draw and takes a turn before you get that draw. Hourglass is slow draw used for combo decks. Precog is a rush card that let's you get out what you need. You could just add more creatures but what if you don't have anymore creatures to add that are effective in your deck. In mono time rush, the only really viable creatures to rush fast with are ghost, deja vu, and dragon. You can't put all those cards. Precog is helpful to get what you need faster. It can also combat bad pillar starts. You may say you can just add more pillars but that runs the risk of getting a too many pillar start. Precog is more versatile and helps combat bad starting draws whether it be too many pillars or not enough. However, from my experience this card is completely outshined by reverse time. Almost every game I use precog, I wish I had reverse time in there instead. It comparatively to your opponent allows you to rush equally as fast as precog, but also provides cc and prevents them from getting what they need to stop you. If reverse time didn't completely outshine this card I might have it 2 or 3 higher in rankings.
Liquid shadow, luciferin, aflatoxin - I think these cards are garbage.

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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279771#msg1279771
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2018, 08:36:12 pm »
In general I think there are a few amazing alchemy cards and a few bad ones. Don't be afraid to give a card a 3/10 or 4/10.
Ratings depend on how you look at the cards. BH is great in the decks that play it, but is bad on its own.

Antimatter is a good card. It takes away the damage from a creature and adds healing. Its basically -2 creatures.
It can be used in multiple stalls, not just entropy. In the spoiler you will find an entropy/darkness stall Cactusking used succesfully in war.
Also entropy rushes can just play the card. Liquid antimatter is not a good deck in my opinion, not among its main uses.

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Deck import code : [Select]
4st 4vp 4vp 4vp 4vp 4vp 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5uo 5uo 5us 5us 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 7t4 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tc 7tc 7tc 7tc 8pj


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4sj 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4ve 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vn 4vn 4vn 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 8pj

Aflatoxin is just a bad card. Its very expensive unupped for what it does. If your opponent can destroy your skull shield the card will work against you. If your opponent only has strong creatures, or none at all, you wont be able to execute your plan.
On top of that the nymph allows you to play the card for only 1 quanta. If you have the nymph why bother with the alchemy card?
It doesnt deserve the 6/10 it got.

Black hole is either really good or quite bad. On its own I would say its quite bad, but in combination with discord it is amazing. You can rate this as either a top tier card or a low tier card.
I wouldn't play black hole on its own even if I knew my opponent plays a nova deck.
DBH and Disquake are both top tier decks in unupped. Most nymphs tears decks and adrenaline decks are worse. From that perspective black hole would be one of the best alchemy cards.
Also worth noting is that a rainbow with discord will probably play 1 or 2 black holes, but no rage pot, BB or adrenaline. At least I don't.

Basilisk blood is pretty good. If you can win in 6 turns it's just regular CC.

Adrenaline is a fine card. It makes adrenastaves work. Mono life and adrenachargers are not top tier decks. When a creature with adrenaline dies you lost 2 (or more) cards at the same time.
The 9/10 is too high IMO.

Rage potion is a fine card in unupped, but fire bolt is just better. Fire bolt can be used to deal damage to the opponent, which is something rage potion doesn't do.
Rage potion doesn't upgrade well either. Lightning costs 2 unupped and 1 upped, but rage potion always costs 3. A lot of upgraded firestalls use fire bolt + rain of fire storm instead of rage potion.
Its placing in the top 3 seems be a bit high.

Nymphs tears is a great card. I dont think I've seen the card used in league outside of swallow however. The difference with other alchemy cards is that nymphs tears IS the deck. Just add some pillars and you got a deck that is not terrible.
Most other alchemy cards are support/combo cards.

Luceferin is used for (unupgraded) deja hope, but just pretty bad in any other situation.
5/10 is still high.

Unstable Gas is difficult to rate. If you got the air nymph I would just play that instead.

Precognition is used in combo decks like dazzling dolls (see spoiler). In the case of dazzling dolls it cannot be replaced by another card to make the deck better.
In other cases it just replaces itself, so at least it not being a dead card in your hand. It is still better then afla, luceferin and quint.

Spoiler for Hidden:

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Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 77l 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7js 7js 7js 7n7 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7qb 7qb 7qb 7tg 808 808 808 80b 80b 8po


Liquid Shadow is not a good card. TORB used it against me in phase 2 of trials (darkness vs fire). Dim shield + cloak + dragon + LS + twin universe is pretty nice.
Liquid antimatter is not its main competitive use.

Quintessence is a bad card, but still better then anubis. I'll provide a list for SoW reflect in case anybody would like to see one.

Spoiler for Hidden:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lg 5lg 5lg 5lg 5lh 5li 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 621 621 621 621 621 62m 62m 62m 62m 62m 62m 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 8pq

Most people seem to agree with your statement of aflatoxin, precognition, luceferin, LS and quint being the 5 worst alchemy cards (in some order). They are very situational/just bad.
Manuel isn't fully clear on this and dawn placed UG among them.
Everybody has placed antimatter mid tier (5th-7th) and everybody placed nymphs tears in the top 3, mostly nr 1. Everybody placed adrenaline somewhere in the top 3 aswell.
The rest is up for debate.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 08:39:51 pm by Vindilos »
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Bunny combines well with onions, carrots and garlic.
(")_(") Copy and Paste Bunny to show your appreciation of a good meal!

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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279780#msg1279780
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2018, 10:22:56 pm »
if i wasn't clear

1 tier : adren ug nymph's tears
2 tier : all other alchemy cards
3 tier : lucen

i look the potential of the card, adren is the best atk booster in the entire game (cp has 20% to give +5, adren if played correctly can give +6). ug is able to okho but unlike other okho combos, isn't a totally dead card if played normally with other creatures

if u look on how much a card is used is totally different, ug drops drastically, same for adren, antimatter totally rises, nt is still on top, luci is the worst card even here

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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1279781#msg1279781
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2018, 10:29:27 pm »
Rough order:

Nymph's Tears
Basilisk Blood
Rage Potion
Unstable Gas
Black Hole
Liquid Shadow
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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1304327#msg1304327
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2020, 10:17:19 pm »
Errr, how about editing this according to feedback and ranking them in descending order?

AM >>>> Aflatoxin.  Add Entro Lightstall to AM.

And BB op.
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Re: Rating the Alchemy Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66308.msg1304328#msg1304328
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2020, 10:56:50 pm »
I'll just do a simpler ranking here rather than update the topic post for now (WIP):

Nymph's Tears - A rush made out of solely NTs, pillars, and some other support cards (Long Swords, Dry Spells, Arctic Squids, etc.) can go a long way. Pairs especially well with Water pillars because of the Nymph having the same ability but cheaper. However, you can also add pillars of some other elements to great effect (such as Time, Dark, and Air to name a few). Only real drawback (besides RNG and being countered by another deck) is that if the Nymph dies too early, you're gonna have to pay that 6/7 :water again. RT is also an obstacle. 9.5/10
Adrenaline - Pretty good rush card, since the multiple attacks allows for increased damage and can absolutely demolish Bone Wall. Also responsible for making flying Druidic Staves monsters that can deal 8 damage and heal 20 HP each. However, if the creature is killed or RTed that's one or two cards down the drain. More situational counters include Fire Shield and poison damage (such as through Parasites or Plague). In most cases it's much better to use the Nymph instead. 8/10
Basilisk Blood - Much better than I initially thought when making this ranking. 6 turns is a very long time for a creature to be out of commission for, and most decks that can utilize it have already won by then. Another thing is that its low cost makes it easily splashable in rainbow decks. In some cases the 20+ HP has a niche use, Voodoo GP and It's A Trap come to mind. 8/10
Rage Potion - RP is still a good card, but not as a damage booster like I initially thought. 5 damage to a creature is just as potent as Lightning, one of the best CC cards in the game. It's main drawback is that if you don't have enough RPs to kill a creature with more than 5 HP, it hits even harder than before. Most effectively used in Firestall, since more often than not Fire Bolts are better used on your opponent rather than other creatures. 7/10
Antimatter - Not the best soft CC, but if your opponent has no way of removing an AM'd creature it can potentially cause a huge dent in their game plan. Mainly used in stall decks that can afford to splash Entropy, such as Light and Darkness duos, but some rush decks can use it to widen the damage gap. Still quite an expensive card, and Liquid Antimatter is not a very good FG grinder let alone a good PvP deck. 6.5/10
Black Hole - A really good denial card when used with Discord and some other denial cards, but not always useful by itself even if losing 3 quanta can be devastating. Can cause a serious dent in rainbow decks, but not always by itself even if you know your opponent will bring one. In some cases, SoFo and Amber Nymph are more useful than BH itself. This card is especially good in unupped, but not always as useful in upped. 5.5/10
Unstable Gas - A card that can be effectively used in OTKs, and doesn't automatically backfire without the combo. Some creature support helps it too, especially upped Fireflies with SoFree. However, PC can hinder the strategy of people using the card and Air Nymphs straight up outclass this card. 5/10
Quintessence - More expensive than its worth, and is outclassed by Anubis and Turquoise Nymph (and even then, those cards are just as bad). SoW Reflect is a good strategy to take other rush decks by surprise, but can be played against relatively easy and backfires if the opponent doesn't have creatures. Also, that strategy only works with six creatures. Despite this, Quint is used in SoW Wyrms, which is a decent enough War deck for Air (and maybe Aether). 4.5/10
Precognition - Mainly used to thin the deck, but is straight up outclassed by other Time spells and draw acceleration cards, especially it's Nymph. Despite this, it still has niche use in combo decks such Dazzling Dolls and doesn't become a dead card since it replaces itself with another card. Otherwise it doesn't offer much card advantage, if at all. 4/10
Aflatoxin - An expensive card that is difficult to fit into a deck. It's main strategy is used to kill a creature and fill the opponent's field with useless creatures, alongside a Skull Shield. However, this strategy backfires if the shield is destroyed, if the opponent has creatures with high HP, or if the opponent has no creatures whatsoever. Despite this, the strategy can work relatively well if the opponent has no way to counter it...which isn't often. It's not going to work against a faster deck. Yet another card that is outclassed by the Nymph in its element. 3.5/10
Liquid Shadow - Can be used to lobotomize creatures, but you're better off using actual Lobotomizers or just hard CC in unrestricted. Combos it can be used in, such as Liquid Antimatter, are mostly situational. Overall, this card is ok with support but not useful enough to justify using the card by itself. 3/10
Luciferin - My original reasoning for putting it at 5/10 was that it could help make non Aether/Light RoL Hope decks, but at the same time you don't need to use Luciferin to do that. The 10 HP is slightly helpful, but there are plenty of other much better ways to heal. The Light Nymph is good, but this is ranking the cards themselves, not the nymphs. 2/10 or lower.

More compact ranking:
Rage Pot
Liquid Shadow
« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 12:31:13 am by InsignificantWeeaboo »
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U-JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A-E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
Team :gravity Gen. (War #12)
Team :gravity Soldier (War #13)
Team :light Soldier (War #14)

