How is it that nearly every single newb feels that they have a "right" to rares and shards? Rares and shards are supposed to be rare and hard to get for a reason. Yes, I know how frustrating it is to want rares, but how come today's newbs almost feel as they "deserve" rares? When I was a newb and didn't have an arsenic, I tried building an immobow using hammer. I counted each precious discord I had preciously, waiting until I had 4 to make scrambled shriekers. I didn't have a trident, so I subbed a vampire stiletto. I looked forward to the air elders each time because I wanted that OE for my FFQ deck. I wanted the rares, I desired them, but I never felt that I deserved them and that they should be given to me so easily. I was ecstatic when I finally received one, but today's newbs when they get that third lobo, instead of going "yay!" they have a more "time to go build rol/hope so I can farm FGs"
Another thing that irks me about newbies is how fast they want to move. Immediately, the first questions you hear from a lot are "okay, how do I kill half bloods? How do I kill false gods? How do I farm the arena? How do I get rol/hope and lobos? How do I get shards of readiness for instosis?" Sheesh. Take it easy. Why do you want to dash right through the game when you haven't even learned about all the unupped cards, metagame, and strategies? What's the fun in just copy/pasting a deck code they see somewhere, clicking "false god" over and over, and not learning about the many facets of the game? Trying to speedrun? There is no ending to this game. Just take it easy and relax.
Another thing about the community and decks is that each time a newb comes over, we seem to point them towards a certain direction. If they come over with their cat+bonewall deck, a few of us will advise them on how to better it, but there are others that just say "Go build mono death rush". There is not much creativity left in the game when a walkthrough or guide just says "go build this deck and click this button over and over". By forcing newbs to make toxic shriekers, shrieker rush, mono death rush, and all that, we're just limiting their creativity, and what they end up with is a skewed view of the game, seeing it as a boring clickfest and grindfest as opposed to the creativity and strategies that it offers.