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dark/aether, kinda broken, or totally broken? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6654.msg70357#msg70357
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:28:05 am »
I've been playing a few games, and have been beaten by the dark/aether combo modeled after the false god (the one that uses fractal/devourers/vampires), and I usually wind up flailing to get my deck started.  On thinking of a counter, the only counter I can think of is a fire deck which is the only mark with multiple creature control (yeah, lightning storm DOES NOT count as it sucks).  Every other rush deck can be beaten by a non rush deck, some more successfully than others depending on the match up and draw.  But this particular build seems to have everything: permanent control (steal), anti-pillar control (devourers), creature control (drain life), and can easily be adjusted using fractal as all the cards involved are low cost...

Is there some secret to this deck?  I feel that any strategy I ask for will come with a 'what are you playing' which tells me that each (some) deck(s) can only beat this combo with a specialized strategy.

Apologies if this is an old topic as I just joined (match means number placement and not shade???), and the search feature is too easy to use that I could find exactly what I was looking.


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Re: dark/aether, kinda broken, or totally broken? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6654.msg70362#msg70362
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2010, 01:34:23 am »
modeled after the false god (the one that uses fractal/devourers/vampires),
Wrong. The False God was based upon the deck, not the other way around. ;)

Every deck has a counter. There are many counters to a Devourer deck. Mass creature control is one. A Jade Shield or a similarly good shield (although Jade Shields work best, decks without Drain Life can be beaten with a damage shield and decks without Eclipse can be beaten with a reflecting shield) and a big deck can deck it out very easily. A Rainbow deck can very easily produce more quanta than it drains. Additionally, a fast deck is often enough to counter the deck's slow setup, or a lucky Aflatoxin deck.

Those are 5 decks that can beat the Devourer deck most of the time. This combo is very strong, but it is beatable.

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Re: dark/aether, kinda broken, or totally broken? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6654.msg70385#msg70385
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2010, 02:59:10 am »
The trick is to beat the deck before he can get the combo going. It'll take a while to get 10+ Devourers on the field.

Also, Flooding + lots of pillars. It restricts the number of Devourers to 7.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: dark/aether, kinda broken, or totally broken? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6654.msg72034#msg72034
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2010, 10:39:59 pm »
I have to admit that I've come across allot of hate towards this build in pvp.
I've been using it on a new accout for a while, and people are just out right cursing me for using it, telling me that I'm unoriginal and even the famous mid-game Leave.
And regarding a startagy with this deck, it's pretty straightforward, but there are some times where some thinking is required if you want to win.

