Wow, I like the new version a lot. Now what we need is... a creature with a Regen ability....... (or not)
Nonetheless, the version on trainer is interesting. I'm actually more excited about this than before Wings or Steam Machines were released.
It's a good thing that the upgraded cost is 1
, not 1 random quantum. That would make stall decks so OP...
indestructible mini-SoG. I LOVE it.
it would be nice of zanz change stuff like holy light or luciferin so that they're not so situational as of right now?
(hmm why are they both light cards)
I would say stall decks actually would still be fine either way.. playing against another big deck in PvP = almost an hour wasted. Not really worth the win and the fun wears down.

I agree about the Holy Light and Luciferin comment. I've never seen anyone choose Holy Light over things like Heal, Shard of Divinity, Shard of Gratitude, etc. Luciferin has some use, but most of the time you wouldn't want to use a card slot for it.