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I think upgrade prices are too... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=885.msg10284#msg10284
« Reply #108 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »


- A newb, from what I've seen, is not able to just copy a deck and beat FGs. Actually, from what I've seen most newbs can't even read...
- If you're looking to try out a deck, try the trainer.
- If it weren't for hours of mindless grinding and trying out new things, this game would get extremely boring extremely quickly.
(Not that grinding isn't boring, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel...If you could get everything in a few weeks time, what would keep you coming back?)
- Prices for upgrading are fine as is. I've had to go through it, as I'm sure everyone else has. I can't tell you how many times I've had to reface levels 1-3 just for another shot at fighting the FGs for a chance to win an upped card, just so I could sell it to upgrade a card I needed.
- Then you get the poor schmoes like Jmizzzle who grinded L3 until he got enough money to upgrade.

Kids nowadays have no idea what it means to have to work for something....

I think it's scary that virtual monetary gain is being related to real monetary gain; I personally do not want to spend 8 hours grinding (average work day) to gain an achievement of some sort that I may discard someday and/or has no recylable use.

