
Offline plastiqe

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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:18 pm »

I dunno, I don't have a problem looking at the game as a whole and picking which aspects need tweaking the most.  I'd rather not spam the forum with polls but I suppose focusing on cards only would work.  I'll add Otyugh and Druid for now.

Offline plastiqe

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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:18 pm »

Poison already got it's nerf?  I'd imagine that when upgrades came out and poison cards became even more effective - that outwieghed the disadvantage of poison's one and only true counter card going colourless.

But you're hitting on one of the issues with I have with poison, there are very few ways to counter it.  Think about it this way, how many ways are there to win in Elements?

    Kill your opponent with creature damage[/li] Kill your opponent with direct damage[/li] Kill your opponent with poison damage[/li] Your opponent decks out[/li]
There are tons of ways to counter creatures, direct damage at least takes a while to build up & decking someone out takes a long time.  Poison damage on the other hand is inexpensive quanta wise, has very few counters and does not take a long time to kill someone.

Offline plastiqe

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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:18 pm »
If you like, when you respond you can list what you voted for and why, here's mine:

Supernova - This to me is hands down the most overpowered card in the game.  22 free quantum with no drawback (other than nominal casting cost) is just way way way too fast.  This card, more than any other, is responsible for rainbow deck dominance.

Electrum Hourglass - Card advantage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card_advantage) is a huge factor in who wins or loses in a CCG.  It's hard to get better card advantage than a cheap, re-usable drawing mechanism and this negates any penalty for playing a large deck.

Poison Damage - Poison damage stacks too quickly, is too inexpensive and is too difficult to counter.

I didn't vote for Sundial.  While I agree it's also overpowered and provides a huge card advantage, at least it is for a limited duration.  Plus I figure everyone else will vote for it so I don't need to.  : P

I felt the poll in the original topic (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1035.msg10866#msg10866) was flawed in that there was one obvious choice but maybe more than one thing is overpowered in the game.  Sadly it's impossible to add to the number of votes in the original poll so it's gone & I present OP poll #2.  Yeah I know.. kinda lame on my part, sorry.

This time there's a wide range of cards that have been mentioned on the forums & in chat so people have a lot of options.  If you think there is something that really should/shouldn't be getting votes do please mention it.

Also, just because something is overpowered does not mean it must be nerfed.  As has been mentioned, sometimes the solution is buffing weaker cards to match the power level of stronger cards.  The objective is game balance.


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:18 pm »

Why on earth did you put cards, False God builds and upgrade prices in the same poll? How are we supposed to compare those?

"Hmm.. I think Firestorm is pretty OP, but is it more OP than upgrade prices?"

There should be 3 different polls:
1. Most OP Cards
2. Most OP False Gods
3. Game mechanic that needs a nerf/change the most

It's ridiculous trying to merge all three.

Also you forgot Otyugh which is in the top-3 overpowered cards imo.

Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:18 pm »

While I agree with your points about Pulverizer and Sun Dial, I disagree about Congeal. It's only a problem in PvP, but not against the AI. Congeal is not overpowered against the AI or against us when the AI uses it. If my Annubis is congealed, I can easily wait out the 4 turns before continuing.

Now if Congeal were an ability instead of a spell card, I'd totally agree. But so far, I've only seen Freeze ability as a result of a creature mutation.
Arctic Squid/Octopus has Freeze/Congeal as an ability for three Water quantum.


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

Agreed. More than Explosine/Deflag and Pullverizers and Steal and Stale/Destroy mutants.


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

Just a note, immortality doesn't unfreeze a critter. It removes the frozen animation, but the creature still can't attack or use abilities until the freeze duration ends.
Are you sure?  I'm almost 100% sure it removes the frozen status.
Ahh... you're right.  I just tested it.  I froze my own creatures and Anubis didn't remove the status, just the freeze image.  Maybe it works differently if the opponent freezes you.  I really thought it removed the status.... oh well.


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

Just a note, immortality doesn't unfreeze a critter. It removes the frozen animation, but the creature still can't attack or use abilities until the freeze duration ends.
Are you sure?  I'm almost 100% sure it removes the frozen status.


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

Hope you don't mind if I hijack your thread a bit Plastiqe, but I'd like to ask another question to those 16+ people who voted for sundial:

What is the best way to nerf sundial in your opinion?
1. Make it last 1 turn
2. Increase its casting cost
3. Increase the "hasten" ability cost
4. Remove completely hasten
5. Don't nerf it, buff some other cards instead
6. Other solution


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

Hope you don't mind if I hijack your thread a bit Plastiqe, but I'd like to ask another question to those 16+ people who voted for sundial:

What is the best way to nerf sundial in your opinion?
1. Make it last 1 turn
2. Increase its casting cost
3. Increase the "hasten" ability cost
4. Remove completely hasten
5. Don't nerf it, buff some other cards instead
6. Other solution
Good question. I think making it last 1 turn would make it just a decent card and not overpowering. 1 turn for the draw, 1 turn for the protection. No need to raise its cost if you do that. And make upgraded Sun Dials actually worthwhile on this by reducing their casting cost to 0, but not increasing the draw cost. If they're just one turn, then your deck has to help protect you in other ways.


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

I actually believe that Supernova is more powerful than Congeal, but has a balanced casting cost. I was merely providing an argument for Congeal, that it does not have a balanced casting cost for what it does. One quantum for four turns is a ton, and that is only one instance of the card, not counting Arctic Octopus.
I'd say the spell card is balanced. You have to sacrifice a card just to use it once, and it may be reversed by an immortal ability. That's a waste of a card if you ask me.

As for the ability on a creature, I wouldn't say overpowered either. It does cost 3 quanta to use it, and the card is a weak 1/2 creature. If it was overpowered, you'd probably see more decks running them. ;)


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Poll: Most Overpowered #2 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

I'm merely putting an argument out there. You don't have to go on a crusade to convince me otherwise.
Likewise. I'm not trying to convince you. You don't have to hold the same opinions as me. :)

Just a note, immortality doesn't unfreeze a critter. It removes the frozen animation, but the creature still can't attack or use abilities until the freeze duration ends.
AH! Thanks, UJ. I didn't know that. I guess I've never tested it before but noticed my creature unfrozen (animation-wise) after being made immortal.

